"I've seen it. Otherwise, how can I know that you think so. It turns out that my role is just an 'antidote'." his tone and the look on his face are all self mockery.

"No!" Jun Leyan denied, "it's not what you think. I wrote such words, but I actually wrote them later..."

"Is it important to write anything else?" he asked, staring at her coldly, "Yan Yan, did you think of me when you were with Han Lin? Or did you only think of me when the pain of the blood curse occurred? It's really a tragedy. The blood curse of your family tied you to me. If I knew it was your misfortune, I'd rather never loved you and never be your life!"

He said, taking a step back, "from now on, I will give up my heart to you and stop pestering you as you wish. The last thing I should do in my life is to fall in love with your junle Yan. Now, you should be satisfied, shouldn't you?"

The Dark Phoenix eyes stared at the person in front of her, and her face suddenly became extremely pale. What did he... Say? It was clear that she understood every word, but the meaning of combination made her unwilling to understand.

She looked at him in front of her, turned around like this, and watched him walk towards the door step by step.

Suddenly, a familiar pain suddenly came out of his body. Junle Yan stumbled and held the chair aside with one hand, so he barely stood still.

It is... The pain of omen, the pain of omen before the full moon. This pain reminds her of the arrival of the full moon.

"Bei... Bei Chen..." She shouted, trying to suppress the pain in her body. She wanted to run to him and hold his hand to stop the pain, but the pain came so fierce that her legs were shaking and she couldn't move forward at all. If she hadn't held the chair aside, she might have fallen to the ground by now.

Baby... Baby must be OK!

She thought anxiously and just wanted to shout at the people in front.

Mei Beichen finally turned around and saw that her body was slightly curled up, her face was pale, the hand holding the chair was shaking, and the beads of sweat were rolling down from her forehead.

Naturally, he would not be unfamiliar with her. Suddenly, he knew that it was her blood curse that threatened the pain again.

Almost subconsciously, he was about to run towards her.

Just at the moment of lifting his feet, his mind flashed the picture of her and Han Lin together again, as well as the words written in her account

Only when she was in pain would she think of him, and his effect was only her "antidote" in the end.

He stood still, and her face became more pale. "Pain, baby... Baby will be OK, please... Come here for a while..." she said difficultly. The pain was spreading, and even her head began to ache.

It's like an awl is constantly stabbing her head.

On his face, he smiled bitterly, "yes, if you didn't have this baby, you wouldn't beg me at all. Junle Yan, you even have such a heart for an unborn child. Why are you cruel to me alone?"

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