Far worse than her pain attack.

At the moment, she was lying in his arms. If it weren't for the faint breath, she was... Like a dead man.

Mei Beichen almost subconsciously began to give junleyan first aid for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

He pressed hard again and again, "junle Yan, you can't do anything, you hear me, you can't do anything!" at this moment, the feeling of fear enveloped him again.

Just stronger than ever before.

It's like telling him that maybe he will really lose her!

He was angry, he hated, he was incomparably jealous and cold hearted. He just wanted to stop loving from now on and wanted to take back all his love for her, but he didn't think that death could be so close to her.

He thought that as long as he was still alive, as long as he gave her "antidote" when her blood curse broke out, she could still live well.

But now... Mei Beichen pressed it mechanically like crazy. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and dialed 120 emergency call.

When the ambulance arrived, the servants in the next room knew what had happened and turned pale one by one.

He hurriedly called Jun's family to ask about Jun Leyan's situation. Mei Beichen followed him to the ambulance. Because of the long-time cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he was almost out of strength, but at the moment, all his attention was still focused on Jun Leyan.

The ambulance drove directly to Mei Beichen's Hospital, which is also one of the largest hospitals in F City. Moreover, he can also check her directly.

When she just fainted, he panicked. In the ambulance, Mei Beichen finally had a clue. If she suddenly fainted, it was not the pain of the blood curse, then it was very likely... That her old disease had relapsed.

After all, he had seen her previous cases and knew that the old disease of her head was likely to recur, and her hand had grabbed her head before she was unconscious

When he and the ambulance came to the hospital, the doctors of the emergency department welcomed him out and said as soon as they saw him, "director Mei, just now the patient's family called the hospital and said that the patient is likely to have a recurrence of brain disease, and the patient's attending doctor has rushed here now."

When Jun Jisheng learned that his daughter had an accident in Luocheng and that his daughter was sent to Mei Beichen's Hospital, he directly contacted the president of the hospital for the first time, and then contacted the emergency doctor of the hospital here.

The people in the hospital didn't know until this time that Mei Beichen's girlfriend was the eldest lady of Luocheng Jun's family.

Mei Beichen's heart sank when she heard the speech. Sure enough... Yan Yan's old disease broke out.

It is precisely because he has seen her case in detail and has been studying her condition, that he knows better how dangerous her recurrence is.

The emergency doctor and the nurse soon pushed junleyan into the hospital for basic blood drawing and physical examination.

Mei Beichen followed and was finally stopped outside the B-ultrasound examination room. There was no blood on his face at the moment. The whole person was like a sculpture. A doctor in the same hospital came forward and said, "director Mei, you might as well sit aside and have a rest. You look like you'll fall at any time."

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