"She is born, I live. If she has something in case, I will be buried with her." Mei Beichen put down this sentence and left the restaurant.

Master Mei sighed solemnly. Is this the way nephew chose?

But he was unable to stop anything. Once Beichen made up his mind, I'm afraid he would do it as he said.


The next day, junleyan was pushed into the operating room according to the operation time. Mei Beichen put on the operation clothes, stood in front of the half mirror and took a deep breath again. For him, it was the biggest operation in his life.

I have studied medicine for so many years, maybe just for this moment.

At first, I studied medicine just for her. Now, all kinds of hard work have finally come to use.

No matter how difficult and dangerous the operation is, he will finish it and save her!

When Mei Beichen came to the operating room, the people of the jun family, as well as Han Lin, master Mei, Luo Qinyou and others, waited in front of the operating room.

Mei Beichen looked at these people and said nothing, but walked into the operating room step by step.

He thought he had done enough psychological construction, but when he saw the king's happy face on the operating table, his heart still couldn't help shaking.

This operation is a test of life and death for her.

And for him, is it not a test of life and death?

As he said to his uncle, she lives, he lives, she dies and he is buried with him!

He and her life have long been entangled, not because of the blood curse, not because of life, but because he loves her. This love has already been integrated into life and soaked into the bone marrow.

After the anesthetic entered her body, Mei Beichen picked up the scalpel on the tray. His hands were steady without shaking, and his mind was unusually clear.

At the moment, he seemed to hear his breathing and his heartbeat.

Yan Yan, you also hope to keep our child, wake up and watch the child born, right? Mei Beichen read silently in his heart. Now, he will complete this wish with him!

When the scalpel goes down, Mei Beichen no longer has any hesitation and hesitation


The operation lasted 10 hours. When junleyan was pushed into the intensive care unit by the nurse at the end of the operation, Mei Beichen's hands began to tremble.

His hands were covered with her blood again. After an operation, he was exhausted and almost collapsed. It was not until this time that he could breathe out a long breath.

The operation... Succeeded!

As long as there is no accident after the operation, Yan Yan can wake up and restore health, and their children can live!

When he stumbled out of the operating room, he almost fell, but he didn't care. For him, as long as she can live well, it doesn't matter if she really dies at this moment.

Suddenly, a hand held his body. Mei Beichen saw that it was Han Lin.

"Thank you for saving Yan Yan." Han Lin said. The reason why he stayed at the door of the operating room was to say this.

Mei Beichen stood still and said, "I don't need your thanks to save Yan Yan."

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