Child... Is it sad that he can only rely on the child and have some relationship with her now?

However, it seemed that this was the only thing he could grasp.

Feng Mou looked at him, but she didn't say anything, just her hands, some subconsciously stroked her abdomen. Fetters, fetters between him and her? When the child was born, she and he were destined to remain confused and entangled.

But she still chose to give birth to the child. She didn't want to kill him (her) from the beginning.

"So Yan Yan, even if you want to treat me as an insignificant person and a stranger, we... Can't be strangers after all, can we?" he said low.

But she could not refute him.

As he said, when she gave birth to the child, they could not be strangers.

Because of her condition, junleyan has been hospitalized. Since the operation, she has no headache, but she is more concerned about the problem of the fetus in her body than her condition.

Although the B-ultrasound examination of the child was no problem, it was only a week smaller than her pregnancy. Although the doctor said it was no big problem, it also worried junleyan for a long time.

For the sake of the child, she tries to make herself eat more to supplement the nutrition of the fetus. After she can get out of bed and walk, she will also walk in the small park of the hospital, trying to adjust her body for production.

After dinner, accompanied by his mother, junleyan took the elevator downstairs again and went to the small park of the hospital. He planned to take a walk. Suddenly, a car seemed to be driving in the hospital out of control. At the same time, there were security guards chasing after him and shouting, "stop! Stop!"

The front of the car obviously showed signs of impact. I'm afraid it directly knocked away the guardrail of the hospital.

Junleyan instinctively wanted to escape to a safe place with her mother, but she had been pregnant for more than eight months, so she was slow, not to mention the speed of the car.

The car came askew in their direction.

The bodyguard in charge of protecting junleyan was arranged by the jun family. Seeing this, he immediately took out his gun and directly shot at the tire of the car, trying to force the car to stop.

Although he hit the tire, the inertia of the car made the car not stop, and it was still coming in their direction.

Run! Run away!

Junle Yan almost tried his best to turn back and run away in a safe direction. Just in his ear, the sound of the car is getting closer and closer

Then, she only heard a loud bang behind her, as if the ground was shaking. Her body shook. If her mother didn't hold her, she would have fallen directly.

"Crash, my God! Hit!" there were bursts of startling voices behind him.

Junle Yan almost subconsciously turned his head and saw that the car that was supposed to hit her was stopped by another car, and the front of the car was tilted to one side.

In fact, I found that the car rushed obliquely. Up to now, it may not have happened after a total of 30 seconds. In fact, everything happened in an instant.

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