"Yan Yan's amniotic fluid broke and entered the delivery room." Qin Sitong said, but it was dangerous. Needless to say, everyone knew it very well.

Han Lin's eyes turned to Mei Beichen. At the moment, Mei Beichen sat on the chair in the corridor. There were gauze wrapped around his head and feet, and his right hand still fell at an unnatural angle. It is conceivable that his body should be in a state of pain at the moment.

But the expression on his face did not show the slightest, as if he had been hurt.

"Thank you for saving Yan Yan." Han Lin said. He had seen videos and photos sent by others on the Internet, so even if no one said anything, he knew what was going on.

"It's not your turn to thank you. What I do for her is natural." Mei Beichen said.

"Yes, it's not the turn." Han Lin whispered, without saying anything, but waited outside the delivery room, hoping that everything would go well and she could give birth to the child smoothly.


Jun Leyan was lying on the operating table, and the sound of Doula kept ringing in her ears, telling her when to work hard, when to breathe and when to relax.

There are also nurses who feed her some chocolate and other things in her spare time to supplement her strength.

She also knows that now is the key, her body, once caesarean section, I'm afraid the body may not be able to afford it, and now the best way is to have a natural birth.

But even though the child is much smaller than those full-term children, it is so difficult for her to give birth to the child.

"Now, don't think about anything, just do what I say!" the voice of Doula sounded gently in her ear again.

Don't you have to think about anything? Sweat has soaked most of her body. She knows to listen to the music guide, but the scene before the accident in her mind can't be forgotten.

He came out of the car covered with blood and walked towards her step by step. At that moment, it seemed that everything around him was unimportant. His eyes were just looking at her.

The pain broke out in her body again, but this time, she didn't know whether it was the pain of having a child or something else?

"Exhale, inhale, force..." Doula prompted.

She tried to follow the steps, but all she thought about was - why, why did he do it? If you really lose your life like that, is it worth it?!

What about him now? The blood, the embarrassment, and the twisted right arm... What's the matter with him?!

Just when junle Yan almost exhausted his strength and felt that his whole person was about to collapse, he finally felt a burst of relaxation below. What was squeezed out of his body.

Then she heard a baby cry... Born... Born!

The nurse took the baby, cut off the umbilical cord, wiped off the blood stain on the baby, weighed and evaluated it, while the doctor dealt with the situation of junleyan.

So tired, really tired.

Junle Yan almost subconsciously wanted to sleep and rest, but there was something unfinished at the bottom of his heart.

After the evaluation, the baby was rushed to the incubator. After all, it was a premature baby and should be treated more carefully.

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