He will give her what she wants and what she wants. In this world, only to her!

Back in her room, Mei Beichen took out a hand account book from a cabinet and a box. The hand account book was taken from her apartment at the beginning, and in the box... He opened the box, which was a pair of wedding rings.

It was the wedding ring he and she had chosen at the beginning, but after the customization, she and he were separated, so she hasn't seen this pair of wedding rings so far.

Mei Beichen took out the pair of wedding rings from the box and put them in the palm of his hand. After a long time, he slowly closed his palm. "Yan Yan, this time, we will grow old together. No one can destroy them anymore. Even you and I can't."

Master Mei went to Jun's house to talk about marriage, but everything went well. After all, the two families had discussed marriage once before. This time, they just took out what they had discussed last time and changed some details to be changed. The general content has not changed.

The two families began to prepare for the wedding. Mei Beichen, as the prospective groom, was naturally busy.

When Jun Zeen heard that his sister was getting married again, he rushed to F City all night, stopped Mei Beichen on the road and "invited" Mei Beichen to his car.

"Are you going to marry my sister?" Jun Zeen said coldly.

"Yes." Mei Beichen answered cheerfully.

"It would be too cheap for you to marry my sister like this. At first, because of you, my sister had a relapse of old diseases and almost lost her life several times. It was a near death to give birth to her mind. Now you are good to be a ready-made bridegroom." in short, Jun Zeen is full of unhappiness.

Although Jun Zeen also knows that Mei Beichen has done a lot for his sister, in his opinion, it is far from enough.

"No matter what, whether you like it or not, I will marry your sister." Mei Beichen said positively.

Jun Zeen frowned suddenly, then one side of his body. His right hand had grabbed the skirt in front of Mei Beichen's chest and pressed him on the back of the chair in the back seat. "Mei Beichen, do you really think I dare not deal with you?"

"If you want to beat me up, beat me where you can be covered by clothes. If you plan to deal with me in other ways, you can try." Mei Beichen said calmly.

Jun Zeen was still young after all. He was excited by Mei Beichen's words. He felt his teeth itching. His face was closer to each other. There was a cold look in Feng's eyes, "since you said so, I..."

Just then, the originally closed door was suddenly opened. Jun Leyan looked at the scene in the car and said, "Zen, Beichen... What are you, er, doing?"

In the scene in the car, the two men were very close, and their faces were almost pasted together. It was quite a bit. When she was in high school, she secretly saw the pictures in those beautiful cartoons. If she didn't know that her brother and Beichen were wrong, junleyan estimated that she would have been misunderstood directly.

"Elder sister?" Jun Zeen said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Jun Leyan asked, knowing that her brother came to F City, so she directly asked people to pay attention to it, especially after knowing that her brother went to block Beichen, she also rushed over.

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