"Yes, the child is getting older, and there are more opportunities to go out in the future. If you wear this to hold the child, the child's feet will have a focus, and the adult will be much more relaxed." she said, took her daughter from his hand, and then said to him, "come on, put it on first."

"If you want to go out in the future, you can take a stroller. Besides, I don't think it's heavy to hold my mind. I don't need this thing at all." it's rare that Mei Beichen's handsome face is full of resistance.

Junle Yan was a little surprised. Unexpectedly... He seemed to have a cold about this thing.

"Well... I just don't think so," he said.

"But Nianxin seems to like it very much." she said, holding her daughter in front of the hug waist stool. "Nianxin, do you like this? Will you let your father hold you with this in the future?"

The little guy's little hand grabbed the belt of the waist stool, and a smile appeared on his face. It really seemed to understand junle Yan's words and respond.

"Well, you see, my daughter likes it very much." junle Yan said.

Well, his daughter is his weakness. Mei Beichen has no choice but to wear the waist stool on his body. Looking at himself in the mirror, he just thinks it's a little silly!

However, this stool is obviously very popular with the little guy. When the little guy is held by Mei Beichen and his feet step on the soft stool surface, his face looks very excited.

Junle Yan looked, took out his mobile phone and took a picture.

"What are you doing with this?" Mei Beichen said.

"Of course, when you grow up, you can show her how her father sacrificed his image for her!" junle Yan said.

Mei Beichen only feels a little pain in her head, doesn't she? If his colleagues in the hospital saw him like this, he might lose his chin again.

"Shoot it, shoot it." Mei Beichen was helpless. He knew that she had prepared a photo album. She would shoot some interesting interactions or pictures between him and his daughter, and then put them into the photo album.

However, Mei Beichen at the moment absolutely doesn't know that he and this waist stool will have an inseparable "love" in the film exhibition held by junleyan in the future.


Mei Nianxin ran away from home when she was five years old. She said she ran away from home and was followed by a group of bodyguards. Therefore, there is absolutely no danger.

As for the reason why he ran away from home, it was because junleyan got pregnant unexpectedly again and temporarily went to the hospital for detailed examination and fetal protection. Mei Beichen naturally stayed at the hospital. According to Mei Beichen's meaning, he naturally didn't want to protect the fetus. After all, this fetus was not expected by them.

Even now, Mei Beichen has thousands of regrets in her heart. Why didn't she tie a tie at the beginning, but only chose an Yiquan. He is a doctor. He should know that an Yiquan is not 100% effective, and what is the danger she may face once she is pregnant.

But junleyan insisted on fetal protection, "My current body is not uncomfortable, and all the examination data are normal. Beichen, I want to give this child a chance. Since we are lucky to have a second child, we might as well wait and see. Once my physical condition is not good after pregnancy and is not suitable for continued pregnancy, I will kill this child and will not endanger my life, but Now... The so-called bad situation is just "possible". I'm not willing to let me kill the child. I don't think the child will be willing either. "

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