"Why don't I take him to the doctor," said one of the bodyguards.

Mei Nianxin shook her head. "I'll take him to see daddy!" well, just in time, you can also see Mommy. The little guy now forgot that she ran away from home. Instead, he wanted to go to the hospital to see his parents.

The party was helpless, so they had to let the driver behind them quickly drive up and take Mei Nianxin and the boy to the hospital where Mei Beichen was located.

Along the way, the boy just stared at his held hand. His hand was very dirty at the moment, in sharp contrast to her white hand.

Just like a piece of white paper, it was constantly dyed black, and the dirt on his hands also stained her hands.

His hand was trembling slightly and continuously. After every such "attack", this trembling always appeared.

"Don't be afraid, my father is very powerful and will cure you!" she obviously misunderstood his trembling.

His head, which had been lowered, was finally raised slowly. His eyes looked at her again, but it was different from the scarlet horror before. This time, there was a kind of doubt in his eyes.

"Why?" the hoarse voice came out of the boy's mouth. It was obvious that he had not spoken for a long time before he spoke. It was such a dry voice.

"What? Why?" she asked.

"Why be nice to me?" he asked.

The little guy blinked, but she was also very kind to others. "Why can't she be nice to you?" she said.

The boy pursed his lips and said nothing, but his eyes like wild animals still looked at her.

"Is everyone bad to you?" she asked again.

He still didn't answer.

So the little guy began to mend his brain again. She felt that daddy and Mommy liked mommy's baby better than her. It was pathetic enough, but it seemed that the man in front of them was even more pathetic than her.

Mei Nianxin's little basin friend was not too dirty. She clenched the other party's hand, and assali patted the other party's shoulder with her other hand, "I'll be good to you in the future, because we are from one country!"

That flashed with a touch of animal eyes. Would she... Treat him well? Someone once said the same thing, but they didn't do it at all.

Obviously didn't want to believe her words, but looking at her eyes and her serious expression, he couldn't help but want to believe

When the car arrived at the hospital, Mei Nianxin and the boy got off the car. Even though the bodyguards objected, Mei Nianxin insisted on holding each other's hand into the hospital.

Many people in the hospital know Mei Nianxin. After all, it's director Mei's baby daughter. In particular, Mei Nianxin's hand is holding a dirty boy several years older than her, as well as a group of bodyguards around, which is very eye-catching.

No, someone came up and asked, "Nian Xin, why did you come to the hospital? Did you come to see your parents?"

Mei Nianxin nodded her head seriously.

"Then this is..." the other Party pointed to the boy. In my opinion, the child doesn't look like someone who can have a relationship with Mei Nianxin.

"He's sick. I'll take him and ask daddy to treat him." the little guy said, and proudly raised his chin towards the boy. "My daddy is so powerful. He's saved a lot of people. Mommy also said that Daddy saved my life and Mommy's life."

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