Back to school, Qin Sitong first went back to her bedroom. Kong Chengcheng and Cai Jingming asked her why she didn't come back to sleep last night. She could only vaguely say that she went home to sleep.

If it were true that she had watched TV with Jun Jisheng hand in hand all night, no one believed it! What's more, she doesn't want people to know the relationship between her and Jun Jisheng.

A few days passed, but Jun Jisheng didn't come to her again. Qin Sitong thought it was good. Maybe Jun Jisheng was not interested in her.

In the evening, Qin Sitong went to work in the cake shop. According to the store manager's instructions, she sent 50 accompanying gifts to the designated hotel banquet hall. However, when she saw the people inside, she was stunned.

At the moment, there are five people sitting in the box, and on a low platform directly in front, his mother he Xiuxia and his brother Qin Haohui are standing there with a microphone and talking about the double happiness at home. One is that he Xiuxia has been promoted from the Logistics Department of the bank to the Deputy director of the credit department, and the other is that Qin Haohui has been employed by large enterprises.

He Xiuxia had been in the bank's logistics department before and thought she would retire in this way. Who knows, not long ago, the boss suddenly said to transfer her to the credit Planning Department of the municipal branch as the deputy director. This transfer order made he Xiuxia shine in front of her colleagues. However, she also inquired about the reasons for her sudden promotion. As a result, the president of their sub branch only said that it was a transfer order from the top and asked her if she knew anyone with a big background.

Well... She doesn't know anyone with a big background. If anything, it's only the Qin family's own family. Does it mean that the Qin family wants to help them? Especially after her son was suddenly admitted by a large enterprise, he Xiuxia was convinced of this idea.

Only today's celebration banquet, she also invited people from her family, but her family refused directly.

At the moment, he Xiuxia sank her face after seeing her suddenly appeared daughter. What she wanted to see didn't come, but what she didn't want to see came. Put down the microphone, she hurried to her daughter, "Why are you here?"

"I'll give you 50 hand gifts." Qin Si Tong's eyes darkened and put the two bags of hand gifts in his hand on the side of the low cabinet. The luxurious box in the banquet hall was dazzling in her eyes.

"Tong Tong." now Qin Haohui also came over, seemingly with good intentions, "today Qi Bin and his girlfriend Miss yuan also came. You know, Miss yuan is the cousin of our family. My mother and I are also afraid of your embarrassment, so we didn't call you. Don't care."

Qin Sitong's heart is slightly cool. For this family, she is more like an outsider.

Her eyes turned to a pair of young men and women standing not far away. The man's skin was white, his angular face was more delicate and three-dimensional against his facial features, and there was a touch of loneliness and coldness between his eyebrows. Qi Bin was her childhood sweetheart, while yuan Mengtian, who stood beside him, looked beautiful and painted exquisite makeup, giving people an appearance of being knowledgeable, reasonable and golden officials, But Qin Sitong knew the other side of the other side very well.

In that year, the manuscript of her novel that she had written for a year disappeared, and she couldn't find it. As a result, yuan Mengtian published a novel. The school issued a notice of praise, and many news media came to interview her in newspapers and magazines. For a while, yuan Mengtian became a celebrity in the school.

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