"Let me help you pack the food and bring it up. You can't be hungry now," he said.

She thought for a moment, nodded, "OK." now she shouldn't turn against him right away. Since she wants to get everything he owes her back, she... Needs to get everything back.

After another half an hour, Fei Pengtao beat up the meal and put it in front of Bei Li.

"Li Li, eat quickly. It's not good when it's cold." Fei Pengtao said.

Baili curled her mouth and ate her lunch. Fei Pengtao didn't leave immediately, but pulled a chair and sat next to Baili. He rubbed his hands slightly and said, "Li Li, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

"Well, you know, my hometown needs to rebuild the house, and the money is still poor. Can you come up with some money first? You know, my family wants to rebuild the house for our future marriage." Fei Pengtao said earnestly.

Belleli suddenly had an impulse to smash the lunch box she was eating into each other's face. In front of this man, can he lie with his eyes open and build a house for their future marriage? Hehe, this man has no intention of marrying her at all!

"Haven't I given you 50000 yuan before? Where is the money?" Bailey said. At the same time, he touched the mobile phone with one hand and recorded the sound without trace.

"Fifty thousand yuan is not enough at all. You see, building a house now requires at least three or four hundred thousand yuan, not including the decoration in the house. My parents usually grow land. How can they have so much money." Fei Pengtao said, "haven't you always written some articles to earn royalties over the years? You've saved some money."

"I saved some money, but aunt Wu, who has been taking care of me in the orphanage, was seriously ill. I gave aunt Wu tens of thousands of yuan to treat her first." Bei Li didn't lie. She really gave the rest of her money to Aunt Wu's son Du Hao before.

"You... How can you give all your money to outsiders!" Fei Pengtao was anxious, as if his own money had been given to outsiders by Baili.

"Aunt Wu, to me, how could she be an outsider!" Bei Li said with a deep face.

Fei Pengtao naturally felt Bei Li's unhappiness and immediately changed his mind, "I mean, she is not a family with us after all. It's better to have less involvement in the money as far as possible. Otherwise, you go to the loan and find a way to borrow money, otherwise my hometown's house will have to be delayed like this all the time! The money spent before is wasted."

"Loan?" Bailey was slightly puzzled.

"Yes, loans. Now there are many channels for online loans, and there is no need to mortgage anything. As long as your personal information and so on, you can borrow!" Fei Pengtao is very positive.

Belle Li's heart was only constantly cold. She thought she had recognized the man in front of her, but she didn't expect that she was far from really recognizing him.

If it was in the past, maybe she would have foolishly lent him online, but now... "Is the borrowed money yours or mine? Who will pay it back then?"

"Of course we paid it back together," Fei Pengtao said.

"OK, I'll go to the online loan later." Baili Li smiled sweetly, but there was no smile in her eyes. Fei Pengtao finally walked away with satisfaction, while Baili Li picked up half eaten lunch box, went directly outside the office and threw it into the trash can.

She lowered her head and looked at her abdomen. Maybe she really had to make a decision as soon as possible... Whether to go or stay for the child!

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