But Belle Li's appearance, he always felt a little gaudy, with a trace of mistress smell, looked like a woman who was uneasy about her room, and what he really liked was LV Ziyi's woman who looked pure and weak and needed men's protection. What's more, LV Ziyi has both parents, and her parents are also the small leaders of the organ, which is much better than Beili, who is an orphan.

Pressed down the feeling in his heart, Fei Pengtao did not forget to remind Bei Li, "don't forget the loan. My family is waiting for money."

"I see," replied Belle cheerfully. When Fei Pengtao returned to his seat, her eyes were cold. Unfortunately, Fei Pengtao's wishful thinking was doomed to fail.


Beili received a call from Han Lin the next day, saying that the agreement had been drawn up, and asked her when she was free to sign the agreement.

"Maybe after work today," she said.

"OK," said Han Lin, "I'll send someone to pick you up after work."

"No, I'll come by myself. It's still the villa last time, isn't it?" Belle said. She doesn't want to be too eye-catching, not to mention the scene of being put into the car by his bodyguards last time, which still makes her unforgettable.

"Yes," he said.

In the afternoon, Beili's project team began to summarize the progress of recent projects and make arrangements for the next step.

At the meeting, the project director praised Fei Pengtao, "Pengtao's work this time is very good. He has solved many bugs in the game, and the new program designed can optimize the speed of the game. I will write these into the evaluation, and the company will naturally be rewarded at that time!"

Fei Pengtao's face was full of excitement.

Finally, the supervisor also called on everyone in the project team to learn from Fei Pengtao. After the meeting, the supervisor patted Fei Pengtao on the shoulder and said, "work hard, you will have a bright future in the company in the future."

Fei Pengtao looked as if he had beaten chicken blood. He almost didn't show his loyalty on the spot.

Looking at Fei Pengtao like this, Baili only looked ironic. She modified the program to solve the bug problem praised by the supervisor, and she also wrote the new program that can optimize the game speed. Originally, she wanted to sell some money to help aunt Wu when the new program was improved, but later, at the last project meeting, She knew that her new program was directly used by Fei Pengtao, and it was still in his name!

I still remember when the meeting was over, she questioned Fei Pengtao, but Fei Pengtao didn't have any guilt on his face. Instead, he said with complacency that only in this way can he maximize his interests, "Li Li, don't you always help me modify and write some programs? If my career is good, it's also good for you! As long as I climb high, I can give you and your children a better life."

And she really foolishly believed what he said. In fact, he was not as good as her in terms of procedure. He would have some difficulties in completing the work arranged by many companies.

At the beginning, she just wanted to help him shorten the time of working overtime and staying up late, so she would help him complete some of the work he found difficult, but over time, it became a matter of course for him. Sometimes he even played games and left the work to her. It is called that she completed faster.

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