Han Lin looked at the woman in front of her in some surprise. The woman who had said she didn't eat before was eating so "dripping and happy". However, when she ate, it would give people a very pleasant feeling, just like these foods are really delicious.

Even he would doubt that he and she really ate the same food? Then he couldn't help eating more.

"Are these dishes really so delicious?" Han Lin couldn't help asking.

"Of course, don't you think?" she asked strangely.

He really doesn't think so.

"But if I don't eat, it's too wasteful for you to order so many dishes alone." she said. Even if she ate a lot, she still ate only a small part of the dozen dishes on the table.

"Will you? I usually eat alone, mostly like this, even with..." halfway through his speech, his voice suddenly paused and didn't go on.

"And what?" she asked.

"Nothing." he gently gathered his eyelashes. Even if he ate with Yan Yan, he often ordered dishes like this, as if it was a habit for people living in their environment.

Just... In the past, he could often have dinner with Yan Yan, but in the future... Yan Yan will eventually return to Mei Beichen, and he will just eat alone again in the future.

Belle li felt that Han Lin's expression at the moment had an unspeakable loneliness, as if a breath was spreading around him, isolating him from his surroundings.

What was he thinking? Will people like him be lonely? There are a lot of people around him just under his hands!

Wait, what's she thinking about? In the final analysis, she and he are just a trading relationship. She doesn't have to care about whether he is lonely or not.

After Beili had enough to eat and drink, Han Lin asked people to remove the leftovers from the table, then took out a document and handed it to Beili, "look, if you have no objection, sign."

Belle Li opened the document and looked at it. This is a contract in duplicate. The contents of the contract are as she said before, but there is one more. After she gave birth to the child, she can get 10 million at one time. Since then, as long as she doesn't exceed the limit and acts according to the contract, she can get 1 million a year.

It's like... It's like a bucket of gold falling from the sky.

But Baili frowned and looked at Han Lin, "what does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean much, just give you an insurance. After all, you are also the child's mother, and I don't want to be too harsh to you. Since you want to have the child's visitation right and will have contact with the child in the future, if your life is too poor, I'm afraid it may not be a good thing for the child." Han Lin said, the money is not good for him, It's just a little money.

However, giving her such a large sum of money made her feel more like she was selling children. Of course, originally, in order to save aunt Wu, she chose to give birth to the child and give up custody. It was not another way to sell children.

But... She still wants to ask for peace of mind. If the original act of last resort turns into exchange for money, she won't be at ease even if she takes the money.

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