Fei Pengtao sent LV Ziyi to the hospital, while other colleagues looked at Bei Li with bad eyes, as if they were watching the kind of vicious woman in a TV play, and their colleagues were whispering about what they knew about people, faces and hearts.

Bailey returned to his desk and did what he should do. LV Ziyi suddenly made such a scene, plus the current situation, she suddenly understood the reason.

When she got off work, Bei Li packed up her things. As soon as she walked downstairs of the office building, she saw Fei Pengtao coming face to face.

"You go to the hospital with me and apologize to Ziyi!" Fei Pengtao came forward and grabbed her arm when he saw Bei Li.

"Apologize? She said she fell herself. Why should I apologize?" Bailey asked coldly.

"You're all right! Ziyi is thinking of you. It's kind. I saw it with my own eyes that you pushed her downstairs!" Fei Pengtao said angrily, "Ziyi's foot has a tendon and a bone fracture. Now she's going to be hospitalized. You have to apologize to her anyway!"

"So you don't believe me at all, do you? I'm your girlfriend. She's just an alumni of our university, but why do you seem to care more about her than me? It's really rare to force your girlfriend to apologize to an ordinary alumni." Baili said sarcastically.

Fei Pengtao's expression was stiff. "What are you... What are you talking about? Ziyi is also our friend at least. Do I help manage or kiss!"

"She's your friend, but not mine. I'm very tired and want to go back." Baili said, breaking free Fei Pengtao's hand and going to leave.

"You really don't apologize?" Fei Pengtao gnashed his teeth and said. He only felt that he had been frustrated in front of belle these days. In the past, he told her to go east and West, and she listened to him. Now... It seems like a different person.

Fei Pengtao only felt that as a male authority, he was provoked!

"No apology," Belle replied positively.


The next moment, a slap hit Belle in the face and staggered her whole body back two steps.

A tingling sensation of pain immediately filled her cheeks.

Belle looked up at Fei Pengtao. Fei Pengtao was obviously surprised. He didn't think he really hit someone.

But now that he has hit her, he... Press her again! While Fei Pengtao was about to speak and force Bei Li to go to the hospital to apologize, Bei Li raised his hand and slapped Fei Pengtao mercilessly in the face.


It was another loud slap. Bailey didn't spare any strength. It was so heavy that her palm hurt. At the same time, she beat Fei Pengtao a little confused.

"You... You hit me?" Fei Pengtao said incredulously.

Bailey said coldly, "I'm just reciprocity. What's wrong with returning the time you hit me?"

"Baili, are you out of your mind?" Fei Pengtao said angrily. Especially at this moment, some people around him are looking here because of the movement just now, and even their colleagues in the company, which makes Fei Pengtao only feel embarrassed for a while.

Even though he had some regrets when he hit her just now, there was only anger left.

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