"What are you talking about?" Fei Pengtao was furious. If it wasn't for LV Ziyi, how could he be like this, but the woman he loved put all the responsibility on him!

"Is there anything wrong with what I said? You made everything by yourself. What else would give me a stable life? Now, it's like this, and it has also affected me. Do you know how disappointed my parents are with me? They say I can't raise their heads in the unit!" Lu Ziyi shouted, "I tell you, I won't give Belle a penny! If you don't agree with Belle, you won't want to marry me!" then she rushed out of the apartment.

If usual, Fei Pengtao would chase him out, but now he feels exhausted. What is the purpose of what he has done?

He wants to marry the goddess in his heart and have his own child, who can be handed down from generation to generation. He thinks everything is under his own control, and he thinks he can easily handle belle.

But now, everything seems to be off track, and next, she is confused and doesn't know what to do in her life!


It can be said that belleli has snacks from the Han group every day these days. Even if she doesn't have to go to the Han group building on that day, someone will send snacks to her residence.

On Han Lin's side, when she went to Han's group yesterday, when she saw Zhong Ying, she asked, "where's your president Han?" after all, it seems that she hasn't seen him these days.

"Mr. Han has gone to Luocheng." Zhong Ying replied.

Luocheng?! Baili didn't ask any more. Luocheng is where the eldest miss of the gentleman's family is. Han Lin, did you go to see the eldest miss of the gentleman?

However... There are some things that she should not ask about, and she is not qualified. Beili knows very well about her identity. Although people around her will look at the relationship between her and Han Lin with ambiguous eyes, she knows that there is nothing between them, and some of them are just a child.

"Li Li, I'm paid today. I'll get off work later. Do you want to go shopping?" Xiao He came to her and asked. Young girls always think about happy, shopping and so on.

Belle thought about it. Anyway, she's free after work. Besides, she hasn't been shopping for a long time. So many things have happened recently. It's good to relax.

So they hit it off immediately. After work, Bei Li and Xiao He went to the mall together. First, they went to the food square of the mall and chose a Korean restaurant. When they were full, they began to walk in the mall.

When belleli was shopping, she unconsciously went to see those mother and baby products, which made Xiao he say, "when do you like to see these things? It's still early to use these things. At least get married first!"

It's probably necessary not to get married... Belle answered secretly in her heart.

"By the way, Li Li, are you really just friends with President Han of the Han group?" Xiao He asked curiously. She is the only one in the company who can ask so directly.

Of course, this also has something to do with her good relationship with Belle.

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