The man's hand also touched a dagger towards his chest, and the tip of the dagger was aimed at Belle.

Bailey is stupid. Is this... Robbery?

But the next moment, she was stunned. She saw that the man's dagger had not come close to her. Suddenly, two tall men directly pressed the man to the ground, cut the robbed man's hands behind her and took the dagger.

One of the two men looked up at her and asked, "Miss Bei, are you all right?"

"Well... Do we know each other?" Bailey looked at the two men who helped him suspiciously. They were all strange faces. She didn't know each other.

"Mr. Han asked us to secretly protect Miss Bei's safety," the man replied.

Baili was stunned, Han Lin... He sent people to protect her secretly. If it weren't for today's show, I'm afraid she really didn't know.

"Er... You two are the ones who protect me?" she asked, subconsciously turning her head and looking around.

"No, there are still three in the dark. If Miss Bei thinks it's not enough, we'll talk to Mr. Han." that's humane.

"No... no, that's enough, that's enough!" God, do five bodyguards protect her? That's an exaggeration.

Of course, what Han Lin really wants to protect... Er, it should be the child in her belly.

Just as a common people, I enjoyed a career protected by five bodyguards for the first time in my life.

"What is Miss Bei going to do with this man now?" one of the bodyguards asked.

management? Baili blinked, then took out his mobile phone and said, "call the police..."


Belle, who has always been a good law-abiding citizen, walked into the police station for the first time in her life. Of course, as a victim, she was comforted by the police.

The man who robbed Baili was also found out by the police. He had a criminal record and was released some time ago. Unexpectedly, he did this again.

But the two bodyguards responsible for protecting Baili Li, the police did not know that they were the people sent by Han Lin to protect Baili Li, and constantly praised each other for their courageous deeds.

Here, Baili took notes from the police, while on the other side, Zhong Ying, who got the news from the bodyguard, was picking up the plane at the airport. After seeing Han Lin coming out of the plane, he greeted him, took Han Lin's luggage, hesitated and said, "President Han, the bodyguard who was just in charge of protecting Miss Bei called and said that Miss Bei had entered the police station."

Han Lin's footsteps suddenly paused, frowned and looked at Zhong Ying, "what's going on?"

So Zhong Ying quickly told Han Lin what he knew. Zhong Ying said as he walked that the car was waiting outside the airport.

"Miss Bei should still take notes at the police station," Zhong Ying said.

"Then go to the police station first." Han Lin said.

"Go to the police station?" Zhong should be surprised. After all, it's late now, and the president has just got off the plane. He should be tired.

"Yes, go to the police station." Han Lin must be a tunnel. I don't know why, when he heard that she was almost robbed by someone with a knife, his heart jumped inexplicably. It always seemed that he was a little uneasy. It seemed that he could feel at ease only when he really saw her.

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