The two men looked at each other. After a while, he took back his eyes and leaned back against the back of the back seat.

Try it? In this world, can feelings also have a try?

Besides Yan Yan, is it possible for him to find another person he loves? This feeling for Yan Yan began when she was young and ignorant. At that time, he did not understand what love was, but instinctively pursued her footsteps and opened the world for her.

All his love and feelings have been exhausted in his single love. Is it possible to pour out all his feelings and love someone again?

Han Lin slowly closed his eyes, as if immersed in his own thoughts.

And Belle looked at his side with some trance. Sometimes this man looked so powerful, but sometimes he gave people a sense of vulnerability.

Just like just now, when he asked her with a whisper, at that moment, his eyes, his expression, and the invisible breath from him made him look full of a fragile feeling.


Bei Li came to work the next day with a pile of panda eyes. Xiao He looked at it and asked with concern, "Li Li, you didn't sleep well yesterday?"

"Yes." Belle Li sighed. She completely underestimated the sequelae of almost being robbed. All night, she had nightmares. She dreamed that she had been robbed successfully, that the dagger was against her stomach, and that her blood kept coming out.

So that later, the whole person was awakened by a nightmare, and then he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to sleep. He lived until dawn.

"Then you can make up your sleep at noon, but you look like you are trapped by sadness. It is estimated that your colleagues will have some gossip at that time." Xiao He said.

Belle was speechless. At this moment, she deeply felt the helplessness of those stars. It was only a little thing. As a result, she was made like a great event.

Moreover, her stomach can be covered up now. In a few days, I'm afraid it can't be covered up at all. When colleagues know that she is pregnant, I'm afraid there will be more rumors.

And I'm afraid that by now, some people will associate her pregnancy with Han Lin.

However, it is estimated that no one will think that the child in her belly is actually the result of a test tube baby mistake.

During the noon break, Belle was going to lie on the table and take a nap, but she received a call from Fei Pengtao.

"Li Li, I'm on the first floor of the office building now. Can you come down?" Fei Pengtao's voice showed a trace of bitterness and embarrassment.

"What's up?" Belle asked faintly. Now Fei Pengtao, see more than once, only make her feel dazzling once.

"Well... I want to pay you back. I still owe you 50000 yuan." Fei Pengtao said, "I brought 50000 yuan today. Can you pay me back the IOU I wrote to you last time?"

Well, it seems that Fei Pengtao is also a good one. I still remember the IOU. As for why Fei Pengtao suddenly took the initiative to pay back the money, Bei Li estimated that it was because of Han Lin's relationship.

Last time she called Fei Pengtao in front of the building of Han's group and mentioned money. Han Lin also said that she didn't have to worry.

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