Belle hesitated and said, "but I'm pregnant now. Will hypnosis affect the child?"

"It won't have any impact, and I will try my best to alleviate your emotional problems, Miss Bei," said the other party.

Baili still trusts the psychologist Han Lin found for her.

After a hypnosis treatment, Belle didn't feel any discomfort. She opened her eyes. She looked at the doctor and said, "doctor, what's the matter with me?"

"I'm afraid it's related to your previous experience, Miss Bei. Have you ever been robbed before?" the doctor asked.

Belle shook her head blankly. She had no experience of being robbed since she had memory.

"That's strange. Maybe it's some other bad memory that can be associated with this robbery, so it makes you have nightmares. It's also possible that you have really experienced robbery in the past, but your brain has selectively forgotten it because your memory is too bad." the doctor analyzed, "However, at present, you are still pregnant and should not do too deep hypnosis, so I can only prescribe some tranquilizing drugs that are harmless to the fetus, which should slowly restore normal sleep and relieve psychological pressure. Of course, your current symptoms are still very mild, as long as you relax emotionally."

"Thank you, doctor." Bailey thanked and walked out of the consulting room.

The doctor's words made her wonder, has she... Really been robbed? Or, as the doctor said, she was forgotten because two were too bad?

The driver waited for her at the door of the hospital. "Miss Bei, where are you going now?"

Beili thought and reported to Aunt Wu's hospital. Aunt Wu has been in the orphanage. Aunt Wu should know whether she has been robbed.

Half an hour later, she came to Aunt Wu's ward. Just from Aunt Wu's mouth, she didn't ask anything. Aunt Wu also said that she didn't remember what robbery she had encountered.

Is the doctor misdiagnosed? Or is it the first case like the doctor said, because there are bad memories that can be associated with robbery, that's why I have such a nightmare?

Unfortunately, her physical condition is not suitable for deeper hypnosis, otherwise she can find out the cause earlier.

Aunt Wu's body was much better than before. After knowing that Belle was almost robbed, but she was not hurt, she took a long breath.

"But Li Li, Fei Pengtao is not worth your love. It's good for you to break up with him, but don't close yourself. One day, you will meet someone who really loves you. Aunt Wu also hopes to drink your wedding wine. If there is a good man, you should take good care of it. Don't believe in love because of this failure." Aunt Wu is sincere and sincere.

"I see." Belle nodded.

She knows very well that Aunt Wu wants you not to have a shadow because of this. She wants her to become a family. She doesn't want it. It's just... Her life seems to have been derailed since she was pregnant with the child.

After coming out of the hospital, Belle asked the driver to take her back to the apartment. In her life, can she really meet a good man? A man who will really love her?

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