After a pause, Xiao He said, "now that Miss Jun's marriage has been put on hold and she is pregnant, Han Lin was photographed accompanying Miss Jun to the birth inspection. Many people said that Miss Jun may be pregnant with Han Lin's child." Xiao He thought it was necessary to remind Bei Li. After all, she didn't want to see Li Li suffer losses.

"Don't worry, many things are not what you think," said Belle, but she can only say so.

Little he saw that Belle looked no different, so he returned to his seat.

Belle turned on her computer, took out her "resignation letter" from her email and printed it.

When she put the resignation letter in front of director Wang, director Wang was surprised, "you, you want to resign?"

"Yes," Bailey said, "because of some personal reasons, I want to resign and have a good rest."

"If you just want to rest, the company can apply for a long vacation."

"You don't have to, director Wang. I really want to resign and plan to rest for a long time. After all, too many things have happened to me during this time. I also want to change the environment in the future."

Director Wang has made up his mind to see Baili go. In addition, he heard people in the company say that someone on the Internet photographed the gossip that Han Lin accompanied the production inspection of the young lady of the jun family. He thought that Han Lin was only interested in Baili for a moment, and now Han's group has implemented almost all the investment funds to the company, so he no longer insisted on retaining them.

However, the company still gave Belle a good resignation and an extra month's salary. Belle didn't refuse this kindness.

Xiao He was surprised when he learned that Baili was going to resign, "you... Why did you resign? Didn't you do well? Or did you say what others said just now..."

"It's some factors." Bei Li said, "the working environment is also very important. So many things have happened during this period. I feel uncomfortable that I am treated like a panda by my colleagues every day. Instead of this, I'd better resign and change a new environment."

"Did you find a new job?" he asked.

"Not yet. It's not urgent. I'll take a break before I find a new job." Bei Li said. Looking at Xiao He's worried, he couldn't help smiling. "Well, it's not a big deal just to resign. The game company is an industry with frequent job hopping."

"That's all, but..." Xiao He's voice paused. "It's good for you to change a new environment. Now some people in the company are really smelly and have some miasma."

Baili picked up her things, then handed over her work with Xiao He, and finally left the company. She didn't care what the colleagues behind talked about, but at least for herself, she suddenly felt relaxed.

At the beginning, I entered the company to accompany Fei Pengtao. Even for this reason, I gave up my professional program and just became a copywriter.

In the future, she can choose what she really wants to do, not for someone.

Time passed day by day. Han Lin asked people to send some supplies related to pregnant women. Every day, someone would still send her favorite cakes, but he didn't see Han Lin much.

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