"No!" his expression suddenly changed, as if filled with a strong rejection, and even the volume increased a lot in an instant.

She froze.

And he seemed to find that his tone was too heavy, so he relaxed his tone and said, "I don't like that painting. On the contrary, it reminds me of some bad things."

She thought for a while and could not help saying, "yes... Did you think of what happened when you were a child?" the child gave people a feeling of loneliness, just like his name.

She thought of the meaning of his name and the possible abuse of his mother when he was a child.

His expression changed. She was very smart. She knew what he thought. He gently lowered his eyes. The years he spent with his mother were the lingering haze of his life. But behind the haze, he didn't want to forget.

The man he should call his mother kept beating him, shouting and scolding, even pinching his neck and saying fiercely, "Why are you his child! Why do you want to be so like him! Why! Why!"

At that time, he just looked at the mottled ceiling numbly. Life and death seemed indifferent to him. He couldn't remember how old he was and didn't struggle anymore. No matter how his mother beat and scolded, he stopped begging for mercy and crying.

Because he knows it's useless.

In his mother's eyes, he couldn't see any love. Some just hated slowly and continued his hatred for the man to him.

Suddenly, a pair of white hands grabbed his hand. The hands looked so different from the mother's hands, with the temperature that the mother's hands didn't have.

Whose hand is it?

In his ear, he heard the soft voice, "lonely life, no matter what you have experienced before, but you will not be lonely all your life in the future."

He slowly raised his eyes, and what came into his eyes was the beautiful face, with a warmth that he longed for. This is his destiny, the one who is destined to depend on him!

"With you, I won't be lonely all my life," he whispered.


At noon the next day, Qin Sitong took a taxi, came to the door of Hanyuan, rang the doorbell, and asked, "is Mr. Xi Zihan there?" she still doesn't know. The name is just a pseudonym Han zixie said to her.

"Please wait a minute," said the other party. After a while, a servant came to answer the door, "what can I do for you?"

"Well, I accidentally soiled one of Mr. Xi's paintings before, so I specially bought one and wanted to give it to him," she said.

"Sorry, Mr. Xi doesn't want to see you now," said the servant.

Qin Si Tong bit his lip, "then please hand over this painting to him and say sorry for me."

The servant took the painting, and the gate of Hanyuan closed slowly again.

Qin Sitong turned and left. He didn't know that the servant took the picture and came to the greenhouse. He respectfully analyzed han zi and said, "young master, Miss Qin sent a picture and said she wanted to compensate the young master."

Han zi said faintly, "put it."

"Yes." the servant put down the painting and left the greenhouse respectfully again.

After a long time, Han Zixi went to the painting, personally opened the package wrapped outside, and looked at the painting. In the painting, the boy walked in the fields with the little girl on his back. It was so harmonious and beautiful.

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