Han Lin's line of sight was looking out of the window. Looking at the backward street scenes, he seemed to be meditating.

When the car stopped at the traffic light intersection, Han Lin's line of sight unconsciously turned to a dynamic advertisement not far away. In the advertisement, a man and a woman were hugging each other, and then the man lowered his head and slowly kissed the woman's lips

It's a very common dynamic advertisement, but it makes Han Lin's mind flash like a picture.

Han Lin was shocked and stared at the advertisement. The picture in his mind suddenly became more and more.

The picture is broken, but it's enough for him to know what the picture is... It's the picture of him holding belle. He seems to be... Crying... And... He still kisses belle?!

What's the matter with these pictures? Is it the day he was drunk... Han Lin's face changed. If so, Bei Li didn't tell the truth at all!

"Go to Bei Li's residence." Han Lin suddenly opened his mouth and ordered the driver in the front row.

"Ah? Don't you go to the company?" the driver was surprised.

"Yes, no, go to Baili first." Han Lin said. He needed to find Baili and ask clearly!


Belle Li looked at Han Lin, who came uninvited. She couldn't help sighing. Please, she also wanted to keep a distance from him as much as possible, so that her heart... Really turned into action.

She also wanted to let herself put her heart away. As a result, he took the initiative to appear in front of her, and still appeared in front of her with a heavy complexion. It doesn't feel like coming to her to talk about the past or care about her unborn child, but it's more like coming to settle accounts.

"What's the matter?" Belle asked cautiously, calming herself.

Han Lin's eyes stared at her closely, "Belle, what happened after I got drunk that day?"

"Er... Haven't I already said everything I should say?" she was a little surprised. It had been many days. It really surprised her that he came to ask her about that night.

"What about what you shouldn't say?" he added.

She blinked. "I don't quite understand what you mean?"

He suddenly snorted coldly, approached her and said, "that night, I was crying with you, right? Then I kissed you, right? What else? What else happened?"

A series of questions came out of his mouth and completely caught her off guard.

He... Does he remember? Remember what happened that night?! After drinking so much wine, shouldn't I have no impression?

"Look at your expression, I'm right." Han Lin said. This time, he didn't ask, but affirmed.

Belle swallowed the saliva in her throat. "Well, I know you'll cry at that time and kiss me later... You treat me as another person. I promise I won't say anything to others, and I'll forget it all."

Forget... Clean... If it were other women, maybe they wouldn't say such words. Only she would say so.

"Then, what else did you hide from me and didn't tell me?" he asked, raised his hand, clasped her jaw and forced her eyes to his eyes.

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