Although he knew that these were normal phenomena after the operation, he still couldn't help worrying about her.

"Don't frown like this, I'm much better." junle Yan looked at Han Lin and said, she knew he was worried about her, but she really didn't want him to worry like this and didn't want to aggravate his self blame.

"Are you really much better?" he said.

"Can I lie to you?" she said. "Sit down and help me peel an apple. I want to eat an apple."

"OK." he answered, took an apple from the fruit plate near the hospital bed, and then took a small fruit knife to peel the apple for her.

"By the way, how's the woman with your child you mentioned last time? Is she okay?" junle Yan asked.

He paused slightly with the movement of his hand, and then said, "OK."

"When I'm well, find a chance to meet you. I'm quite curious." junle Yan said.

"She's just an ordinary woman and likes to do stupid things like chasing stars." he said. Then he thought in his mind that two days ago, Beili really bought a customized photo frame from the Internet to put fan Xulun's poster. Of course, it's inconvenient for her big belly to put the poster in the photo frame, Finally, he helped put the poster in the frame.

Think about it, it seems that sometimes when he is with Belle, he will do some stupid things inexplicably.

"Star chasing? Which star does she like?" junle Yan was a little interested.

"Fan Xulun." Han Lin's voice was a little stuffy.

"Fan Xulun, I know this man. I've seen his TV plays. His acting skills are OK and his looks are OK. Many little girls are crazy about him." junle Yan said.

Han Lin cut the apple in his hand and handed it to Jun Leyan, "she is no longer a little girl."

Junle Yan saw this and couldn't help raising his lips, "you seem to care about her."

Han Lin was slightly stunned. Do you care? "I didn't care about her. Even if I did, it would only be because she was the mother of my child."

Junle Yan couldn't help sighing when he heard the speech. It was really... "Lin Lin, maybe you already care, but you don't know it yet." at least, she hasn't seen it yet. He talked about a woman in such a tone.

He tightly pursed his thin lips and fixed his dark eyes on her.

She added, "I know, you blame yourself for my business, but... It's really none of your business. It's between me and Beichen. Even if I didn't go shopping with you and wasn't photographed with you that day, Beichen and I will break out because of other things, so you don't need to blame yourself, and you don't owe me anything."

After a pause, she continued, "Lin Lin, I hope you can be happy and have your own feelings, rather than continue to put this feeling on me. In this way, you won't be happy all your life!"

"How do you know I won't be happy?" he said. "My father has put his feelings on your mother all his life? But he has his way of life and his happiness."

"But there are endless regrets," said Jun Leyan. Although she didn't know much about the previous generation, she knew more or less.

Han Lin tightly pursed his thin lips and said nothing.

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