"If you want, you can," he said, and Zhong should not also say that ordinary couples between men and women are shopping.

"Yes, yes!" she said excitedly. She hasn't gone out much since she moved here. She usually wanders around in this castle like villa. It seems to her that she can go out at once.

"When you are free these two days, just think about where you want to go on the weekend." Han Lin said.

Belleli suddenly licked her lips and said, "well, that weekend... Is it a date?"


Han Lin was slightly stunned. How long has this word not appeared in his dictionary, but now... It appears so naturally again.

"Well, it's a date," he said. "Since we are boyfriend and girlfriend, isn't it normal to date?"

Yes, it's normal. Dating... Belle's depression about writing a guarantee has been cleared away.

Speaking of it, this weekend is also the first date between her and Han Lin. she has to prepare well!


Belle Li took out the seriousness of her strategy in college to treat this date. However, because she has a big stomach now, some densely populated places can still be exempted from responsibility. You can choose some places with few people.

Belleli took her mobile phone, searched for a suitable place for dating in F City, and then recorded it with a small book.

Within two days, Belle had also made a dating strategy.

Drive to Qinglong lake, which is about half an hour away from the villa. It is still in the state of semi development. There are not many people, and the drive is also suitable. "We can take the lunch we want to eat in a heat preservation box, which is like a picnic. We can also breathe fresh air, right Baobao." Baili said.

Speaking of it, she hasn't had an outing for a long time.

"Then you can talk to the cook about what you want to eat." Han Lin said.

"OK." she answered, and then suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked Han Lin, "by the way, you can drive for half an hour by yourself, no problem." if you let the driver follow, it doesn't feel like a date, but like carrying a mobile headlamp bubble.

"What do you say?" he was a little speechless about her stupid question.

"Who makes you usually drive." Baili touched his nose and said, "when you come back from qinglongtan, you can also go to a new shopping mall nearby. I want to see some newborn supplies." after all, it's about seven months now, and some things can be prepared one after another.

Han Lin had no objection to Bei Li's strategy.

At the weekend, Han Lin drove the car, and Baili got on the car with the lunch and outing prepared by the cook.

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Bei Li still couldn't help looking at Han Lin. she still had a doubt in her heart. Is this man really her boyfriend?

People like him should be characters she can only see on the Internet or TV, but now they are sitting next to her and driving a car.

If... She doesn't have a child in her belly, maybe she won't meet such a person in her life. Speaking of it, this fate is also brought to her by the child.

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