It took a long time for her to finally tie her tie with his "help".

"Will you?" he said.

"Well... Yes, yes." she nodded her head rigidly and felt that her face must be red now.

"I... I'll go to the bathroom," Bailey said, hurried out of the counter and walked quickly in the direction of the bathroom.

Han Lin looked at Bei Li's back and flashed a shallow smile in his eyes. It seemed that he would feel much more relaxed when he was with her.

Belle went to the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and looked at her red face. Sure enough... It's not as red as it looks.

The more I get along with Han Lin, it seems that he is less and less indifferent, and even... Sometimes I think he is very provocative.

And she was obviously the one who was provoked.

Calm down, calm down! Belleli said to herself in her heart, at least don't blush.

After a few deep breaths, she cooled her face with water. Bailey went out of the bathroom. Just when she went out of the bathroom, suddenly, a voice called her.

"Belle, ah, it's really you!"

Belle looked at the person in front of her. Seriously, she only felt familiar with this person. She should be a college classmate, but her name could not be called.

When she was in college, she had very little contact with the boys in her class. Of course, on the one hand, it was also because of Fei Pengtao's relationship.

Since I started dating Fei Pengtao, Fei Pengtao didn't like her to have more contact with other boys, and she thought it was because Fei Pengtao loved her that she would mind, so she secretly rejoiced. Therefore, she tried to avoid contact and chat with the boys in the class.

"You are..." she opened her mouth.

"I'm a classmate of your university, Hao Tianlei." the other party said, looking up and down at Belle Li, and said, "speaking of belle Li, you're a popular person in our university class. These days, everyone is talking about you."

Hao Tianlei's eyes made Bei Li instinctively disgust, like looking at a commodity. Therefore, she didn't bother to ask what the university class group was saying about her, so she raised her step and planned to leave.

As a result, Hao Tianlei stepped forward with an arrow, grabbed Bei Li and said, "Hey, why are you in such a hurry? You're pregnant now. I heard you're an old man's lover? How much does the other party give you a month? Why don't you think about me? When you have a baby, let's play more? I'm sure we can't lose you!"

Hao Tianlei's color narrowed and narrowed. Although Bei Li was pregnant at the moment, she had more charm than when she was in college.

When she was in college, Belle Li was a famous beauty in her class. At that time, there were many people in her class who thought of her. Just contrary to her appearance, Belle Li was very conservative. Especially after communicating with Fei Pengtao, she deliberately avoided a group of boys, so that everyone didn't get close to her.

Now, I didn't expect that Baili Li and Fei Pengtao broke up and became a love woman of others. In Hao Tianlei's opinion, Baili Li is just a woman who is willing to sell herself for money. In that case, he is not polite. Naturally, he also wants to taste the woman he has long thought of.

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