Belle Li looked at the picture of the video. Compared with what she saw, it was only a short time when the traffic lights stopped. Obviously, the length of the video was much longer, and there were also scenes that happened after she left.

Finally, the police came and pulled them away, and then they got into the police car.

The video ended with the police car leaving, and then began to play again.

Belle was a little distracted. Although she stared at her mobile phone, her thoughts were no longer on this video.

I'm afraid she knows better than anyone about Fei Pengtao's feelings for LV Ziyi. At the beginning, Fei Pengtao only regarded her as a substitute for her, but she was blinded by the so-called love and thought she had found the right person, so she didn't find it until she separated from Fei Pengtao and recalled everything before, Only to find out that Fei Pengtao never had the so-called love for her.

From the beginning to the end, he had no feelings for her. The reason why he was with her for several years was that she was useful. He could help him send loneliness and share all kinds of problems in his work.

Once, Fei Pengtao and LV Ziyi... Should have really loved each other, otherwise, they wouldn't have decided to use her to have children.

"Why are you so distracted? Can't you put it down?" a voice suddenly sounded in her ear. Baili suddenly thought back. Only then did she find that Han Lin didn't know when he had come to her.

"Are you off duty?" she said in surprise.

"Yes, I came back early after dealing with the company's affairs today." he said, "what do you think after watching this video?"

"Have you seen it?" she asked.

"Just now I saw you so distracted, so I watched it again." he said, but his eyes were staring at her face, as if watching her reaction.

"I don't really have any ideas," Bailey shrugged.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, really. In fact, when I came back today, I passed by and saw them arguing. I thought I would feel very happy and have a feeling of revenge when I saw that scene, but in fact, I was very calm at that time, so I think I should really put them down and don't want them to affect my mood, right For me, they will only be strangers in the future, "Bailey said seriously.

He smelled the speech, touched her head and said, "it's great if you can think so. But if you really have a grievance, I can also let them leave F City and never appear in front of you again."

"That's not necessary. In fact, they are very miserable now. It's also sad that the two people who once loved each other turned out to be like this." Baili couldn't help sighing. Love, once she thought it was the most sincere and reliable feeling in the world, but after experiencing these and seeing Fei Pengtao and LV Ziyi, she won't think so anymore.

Everyone's love is different. Some people love each other, but they can easily turn into enemies, while some people's love can last a lifetime.

"Han Lin." Baili suddenly looked at the humanity in front of her. "We must not do this in the future. Even if there is no love one day, at least we won't become enemies."

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