The last time, after being betrayed by Fei Pengtao, she once cried. However, at that time, she was more angry and sad for her unworthiness, but she was far from the pain like now.

So at that time, she found that she didn't love Fei Pengtao as much as she thought.

Now, the heart is so painful, as if every breath is like a late rush, and its own flesh and blood are being cut raw.

The pain... Is so severe. It hurts so much that she can't breathe. It hurts so much that her eyes have been blurred by tears. It hurts so much that she wants to dig out her heart.

Why does it hurt so much? Is it because she loves Han Lin more than she imagined?

Once upon a time, her love for this man had been soaked into her bones and blood. Want to live with this man, want to have children for him, want to grow old with him

So many wants... Now they have become illusions.

"Why... Why..." she kept asking, why did God give her such a fate, and why did she always encounter betrayal?

Is she too greedy? Greedy to get Han Lin's love, she knew that Han Lin loved junleyan, but she still fell into it.

As early as the beginning, when he left her because of junle Yan and ran to the hospital, she should get out. She should take back that feeling, but she didn't, and she fell in again.

So now everything is her fault.

It's a punishment for her greed and extravagance!

"Han Lin, you know what? I really love you and love you so much..." she sobbed and muttered to herself. It was just the person he loved, but it was never her.


After Han Lin returned to the villa, he found that when Bei Li and aunt Wu left the hospital, they were not picked up by the driver of the Han family. When she called Baili again, she found that her mobile phone had been turned off.

Inexplicably, there was a kind of uneasiness in his heart. He always felt like a little abnormal.

Han Lin didn't have aunt Wu's contact information, but it wasn't difficult for him, so he called aunt Wu, but he learned that Bei Li wasn't there.

Han Lin was in a hurry. He wasn't at Aunt Wu's side and didn't ask the driver to pick him up. His mobile phone was turned off? Where will she be?

Picked up his cell phone, he dialed a phone number, "I want to find someone. Yes, female. She is currently pregnant for more than 9 months. Today she is wearing a blue and white coat and black trousers. I want to know her whereabouts from the hospital and call out the nearby monitoring..."

Bailili naturally didn't know. In order to find her, Han Lin directly called the municipal police station and used the power of the police to call out the monitoring of the roads along the way. So that when she took a taxi to return to Han's house first, she was stopped by the police along the way.

Then she returned to Han's villa in a police car.

When she watched Han Lin come out quickly, she couldn't help feeling a little stunned. Obviously, when she was in the hospital, she had seen him, but now, when she saw him again, she had a feeling of being separated from the world.

"Where have you been?" Han Lin came forward and took Bei Li into his arms. "Why don't you let the driver pick you up? Your mobile phone is turned off. Aunt Wu, I asked you and you're not there. Do you know? I'm worried about you!"

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