Bei Li was stunned. He went to the hot Search about the shopping mall?! So fast?!

How long has it been since I came back from the mall! So Baili hurriedly ended her call with Xiao He and opened her mobile microblog. Sure enough, she found a topic about herself on hot search.

Because it's about fan Xulun, it's easier to search. Someone took a video and sent it to the Internet. The video is almost recognized from fan Xulun, and then until Han Lin pulled her away. Of course, many of the first shots hit fan Xulun, but after Han Lin appeared, more shots hit Han Lin and her.

At present, there are many comments below this post. Han Lin's identity has also been recognized. Many people are guessing her identity. She is called "mysterious woman". Many people are guessing whether Han Lin or fan Xulun is in her stomach, and even whether it is a love triangle or not.

However, fortunately, her head has been covered with clothes. Although the middle clothes have been lifted, it happened that the video camera did not capture her at that time, so her face was not officially exposed in the video from beginning to end.

The reason why Xiao He knew it was her is probably because of her big stomach and Han Lin.

Baili turned off her cell phone. I think Han Lin's company will deal with this kind of thing. After all, fan Xulun is also involved. There should be no need for her to worry about anything. Now she just needs to think about how to give birth to her child and... How to leave in the future.

Baili went to a cabinet and opened the drawer. In the drawer were some of her personal documents and the marriage certificate, which represented that she and Han Lin had married.

From the beginning, this marriage certificate didn't mean anything, but now... It's more like a joke.

In the next few days, Belle Liming felt the servants in the villa and seemed to see her more closely. Han Lin didn't say anything about leaving and staying, but began to buy a lot of baby supplies in the villa, and brought her favorite cakes back every day and put them in her room.

But they seldom talk. Sometimes at the end of the day, they only have a few words.

At night, Belle Li only felt her feet were swollen a little, so she wanted to soak her feet. The servant had prepared the traditional Chinese medicine to soak. Belle Li sat in the chair and was ready to wait for the servant to come in and help her take off her socks and roll up her trouser legs. As a result, Han Lin came in.

Baili was stunned, but Han Lin had come to her and said, "is your foot swollen?"

"Yes... A little," she said.

He squatted down and held up one of her feet to help her take off her socks. She hurriedly said, "no... no, just let Xiaoting help me." Xiaoting is the servant responsible for taking care of her these days.

"I'll do it," he said. "I'll let her wait outside."

Baili bit her lip slightly, while Han Lin had taken off her socks, rolled up her trouser legs, and then changed her foot. Finally, she put her feet into the foot basin with Chinese medicine hot water.

"Yes, thank you," said belle.

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