Jun Jisheng nodded, so Qin Sitong ran to the canteen not far away. But when she bought water and ran back, she didn't see Jun Jisheng in situ.

Qin Sitong was in a cold sweat immediately. He... Where has he gone? And now he only has the thinking of a 6-year-old child. He is 6 years old. Speaking of it, he is simply the age of being kidnapped and trafficked by human traffickers!

If the president of Tangtang was kidnapped and trafficked, and was cheated to do something bad, then... She didn't dare to imagine it.

Qin Sitong anxiously looked around, but it couldn't make a big deal. Otherwise, he was afraid that the disease of Jun Jisheng would also be known by others.

Just as she became more and more anxious and cold sweat kept coming out, suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind, "sister!"

She suddenly turned back and saw that Jun Jisheng was holding two marshmallows and looked at her with a funny face.

"Where have you been? Didn't I let you wait in place? Why did you run away?" she asked. All the worries and fears just now turned into words.

His smile condensed and turned into a helpless face. His lips trembled, but he didn't say anything.

"Do you know if you do this, it will make people......" she rushed forward with an arrow step.

And he almost reflexively squatted down, lowered his head, closed his eyes and murmured, "no... sister, don't hit me. I'm wrong. I won't dare again next time."

Qin Si Tong was stunned. Did he think she would hit him?

And now, is he afraid?

What happened to him when he was a child?!

Chest, like being pressed, heavy, but also sour.

Qin Sitong squatted down and gently held each other's face. She could feel each other's stiffness, but she didn't avoid her hand.

"I won't hit you. I'm just really... Worried about you." Qin Sitong murmured, "I'm afraid something will happen to you, that I won't find you, and that you won't find me."

His eyes slowly opened, "yes... Sorry, I just saw someone eating this marshmallow. I thought it was delicious. I wanted to eat it with my sister, so I went to buy marshmallow."

Qin Sitong realized why he had these two marshmallows in his hand.

"Next time you want to buy marshmallows, you can wait for me to come back and we can buy them together." Qin Sitong said with a soft smile, "Jisheng, you don't need to be so afraid in front of me. Even if you really did something wrong, I won't hit you."

"Really?" he asked cautiously.

"When did I lie to you?" she asked with a smile.

He shook his head. She pulled her to stand up straight again. "Well, let's continue to play. Didn't you say you wanted to play the ferris wheel before?"

"OK." he handed her a marshmallow in his hand. "Sister, eat."

She took the marshmallow, but she was also surprised. He should have no money. How did he buy things? But when she asked this question, the answer was, "it was given to me by two big sisters. They said they would give me marshmallows as long as I took a few group photos with them, and they also said I was very handsome and good-looking."

Qin Si Tong was speechless. He had the advantage of a good face. Even someone gave him a marshmallow.

But just in case, Qin Sixi told him, "but next time, don't take photos with people."

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