The next moment, he felt something soft and Confucian on his forehead. Then, she suddenly reflected that it was probably his lips. He... Was kissing her forehead.

In an instant, her blood seemed to freeze, and her mind was blank.

I don't know how long it took, his lips finally left her forehead, and then his hands left her cheeks, and she heard footsteps again, the sound of closing the door.

He left her room.

Until this moment, Belle opened her eyes. There was no more him in the room, just like everything just now was just her dream.

Just... She raised her hand and touched her forehead. There was still some wet feeling and some hot on her forehead. That was the place he kissed.

Han Lin, how much can she believe his words? What's the point of his regret now?

And fall in love with him again... As she told him before, she can't afford to gamble at this age.

Even now, he seems to be deeply in love with her, as if he can take his heart out for her, as if he can spend energy to please her, but she can no longer accept him.

It took her 8 years to recover from the pain. How many 8 years are left in her life?

"Han Lin, I won't fall in love with you again," Belle said so, as if she were making some kind of oath to herself.


On Friday afternoon, Baili Li, Duan Manyu and some members of the guild gathered in the agreed KTV box. Most of the people who came were young people in their 20s. Of course, there were also some older ones, such as Baili Li and Duan Manyu, who were 30 years old.

In the game, the oldest is the guild leader, a middle-aged man in his 40s.

However, when we get together, there is no age gap. We are still joking and laughing like in the game.

When Baili and Duan Manyu appeared, they surprised the people at the party.

There are many girls and boys in the game, especially girls with good PK technology. In the guild, Belle never concealed her age. She also mentioned that she was the mother of an 8-year-old child. Even Belle Jane used Belle's number to greet the members of the guild.

Therefore, in the hearts of all members of the guild, Bailey has always been regarded as a middle-aged woman. Who knows who's on the stage now, but it's completely beautiful.

"Are you really one by one?" someone asked uncertainly.

"Yes," Belle smiled.

"God, I knew you were such a beautiful woman. I should have proposed to you in the game! If God gave me another chance, I would marry you!" another person came up and beat his chest and feet. There was a marriage system in the game. At that time, some people in the guild joked that if anyone married Bei "11", PK would not be afraid of no wife to support in the future. After all, "One by one" PK technology is one of the best in the guild.

"Come on, people have husbands!" Duan man said aloud, indicating the identity of his good friend as a "married person".

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