Although Belle was drunk at the moment, her consciousness was still awake, but her body and consciousness were a little out of step.

"Han Lin... What do you... What do you want to do..." the murmur felt like being coquettish and angry.

"You said you can protect yourself, so let me see how you protect yourself..." he said. The next moment, he had lowered his head and kissed her lips.

The yearning that had been suppressed by him for a long time burst out with this kiss. All these years of missing, all these years of longing, all poured into this kiss.

How much I miss her and love her, how deep I kiss her at the moment.

He was addicted to this feeling and couldn't extricate himself.

Suddenly, a sudden force pushed him away, making his body stagger back two steps. Then, her hand touched the black, turned on the light switch, and then stumbled forward to stay away from him.

No... no, don't run away... He doesn't want her running away from him!

Han Lin didn't even think much. He raised his feet, chased Bei Li to the living room, and then took her all to the sofa. "Li Li, don't run!" he murmured low, and his lips fell on her lips again.

Is it attachment or endless missing? Just her kiss made him so satisfied that he felt that the search in the past 8 years was worth it.

At this moment, Belle felt like a lamb to be slaughtered. She could only listen to fate and hope that the other party would let go, but she was powerless at all.

After all these years, is she still like this in front of him?

Bailey took a deep breath and suddenly stopped all his struggle,

She can feel the temperature from him, but this temperature can't warm her once flawed heart.

"Han Lin, do you remember? We once hung a sign with our wishes on the wish tree." she said abruptly.

His body suddenly stiffened, and his ear heard her voice continue to say, "at the beginning, I wrote that I hope our future can be happy, and I hope we can really form a happy family. What about you, what are you writing?"

Han Lin's expression changed, his face began to turn pale, and his throat was dry. He... What he wrote at that time was... The content of the paper signature he had written crossed in his mind, but at the moment, he couldn't say it. What should I say? How can you say it?

At that time, he had clearly fallen in love with her, but he didn't know it and kept doing things to hurt her.

One by one, he regretted.

Over the past eight years, he has been swallowed up by these regrets.

"I once went back to that temple again." Baili continued to tunnel in a secluded way. "I went to the praying tree, looked for it for several hours, and finally found the sign you wrote. On it, you wrote that you wanted junleyan to have a smooth life, even if you sacrificed everything for it."

That kind of behavior, maybe she doesn't give up, maybe she is unwilling, or maybe... She still has a glimmer of expectation. Always expect something, even if it's just a little.

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