In this regard, parents naturally have no opinion. Only when the head teacher mentioned some unified activity funds for the sports meeting, one of the parents proposed, "Why don't we all pay 200 yuan for each family, and then buy small flags, banners and slogans that need refueling at the sports meeting, and buy some gifts for the teachers. After all, the teachers work hard for the sports meeting. We always want to thank the teachers."

Baili looked at the speaking parent, who was one of the "backbone" in the parents' wechat group. He was the parent of a child named Hao Yan and a member of the family Committee. He liked to flatter the teacher in the group. Many parents had talked about this person behind his back.

After all, if you flatter the teacher yourself, it's OK. But this person likes to bring others. If he wants to give the teacher any gifts, he has to shout to all parents to pay together, and then she goes to buy, send and please others.

Naturally, such behavior has also attracted the dissatisfaction of many parents in the parent group and despised her behavior.

The most exaggerated one was that she planned to give gold jewelry to the main teachers in several classes on teacher's day, so that everyone in the group would pay, and each person would pay 500 yuan. As a result, many parents were dissatisfied and refused to pay. They said they bought gifts for the teachers, so she had to give up.

At this moment, many parents naturally frowned and showed dissatisfaction in their eyes when they heard her make such a request.

Instead, the head teacher said, "it's not necessary. Running the sports meeting is our duty as a teacher."

But Hao Yan's mother kept saying, "yes, yes, the teacher worked hard. We paid for some small gifts to express our gratitude. I think all parents are willing, aren't they!"

In front of the head teacher, many parents feel uncomfortable, but they are also embarrassed to refute face to face.

Hao Yan's mother was elated. She only felt that she was in the limelight in front of the head teacher again. Anyway, the money was shared equally, but she was the one the teacher would remember in the end.

Just a voice raised, making her elated expression stiff.

"I... I think if... If you really want to give a gift to the teacher, you don't have to buy it. You can draw a picture collectively or get a signature card, which saves money and makes sense," said one parent.

Belle looked around and saw that the parent was dressed very plain, and his face gave a weather beaten feeling. It could be seen that the parent's economy was not well-off.

Hao Yan's mother immediately stared and said, "this can be attached to the gift, or do you really don't want to thank the teacher?"

In front of the teacher, when such a big hat was buttoned down, the parent immediately sipped and lowered his head, afraid to say anything.

Baili pursed her lips, frowned, and couldn't see it. Just when she wanted to speak, Han Lin took the first step, "The value of gifts is not measured by money. Mom, if you really want to buy gifts to thank the teacher, you can buy them yourself or find someone who is willing to buy gifts with you. However, there is no need to drag the parents of the whole class to give money together. You do it. This abacus is really good. I think the teacher wants to see it more It is also the growth and progress of children and the cooperation of parents, not the so-called gift from the parents of the whole class. "

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