The protagonist of the video is Hao Yan's mother. When there were few people, she secretly approached Han Lin's bag, and then stuffed a pile of cash into the bag. After the money was stuffed, Hao Yan's mother turned around and looked around, then pretended to be nothing and returned to her seat.

The content of the video made it clear at a glance what had happened, and Hao Yan's mother also saw the video, and her face immediately became extremely ugly.

She thought no one was paying attention, but she was videotaped and played in this way.

Other parents next to the police also saw this video. Suddenly, their eyes at Hao Yan's mother obviously changed.

"It's a thief calling to be a thief."

"This... Is shameless. It's really a palace duel drama!"

"I didn't expect Hao Yan's mother to have such a deep idea. It's terrible."

"It's vicious to deliberately frame people like this!"

Parents discussed one after another, while Han Lin said to the police, "I don't think the police should do nothing. In this way, they deliberately planted and framed, and a certain amount of money should be enough to constitute the conditions of detention."

Detention? Hao Yan's mother turned pale when she heard the word, "I accidentally put the money in the wrong bag. Why should I be detained!"

"Put the wrong bag?" Han Lin smiled, but his eyes were colder. "These words, the court will open at that time. You can consider telling the judge that your money will also become evidence. I will give it to the police at that time."

The two policemen on duty looked at each other, and then said to Hao Yan's mother, "please go back to the police station with us first."

"I don't want to! I won't go!" Hao Yan's mother put on a shrew look, "you should catch him. He deliberately framed me!"

But the police still want to take Hao Yan's mother away. Hao Yan's mother naturally desperately wants to resist. She constantly scolds Han Lin, "I didn't expect you to be so mean. You're a man. You're too clever. Who do you think you are? Can you sue me? I'll sue you for framing me. I'll sue you for losing all your money!"

Hao Yan's mother said cruel words, but Han Lin's expression was very calm from beginning to end.

"Ruin my family? I'd like to know how to ruin my family!" Han Lin said.

Suddenly, as like as two peas of people gathered around, a voice exclaimed, "God, I know who this guy is, he... He is the president of the Han group. Yes, it must be him. It looks exactly alike!"

"What? The president of Han group? Which Han group?"

"How many Han's groups are there these days?"

So, someone else as like as two peas and others searched the Internet directly, and shouted later, "really, it is true, ah, it looks the same."

"Is he really the president of Han's group? Is he married?"

"Still so close to us? He's worth tens of billions!"

"Such a man, some people say he is a soft eater? It's ridiculous to sue him for losing his family."

"Hao Yan's mother hit herself in the foot with a stone this time."

Everyone said a word to you and I said a word. After listening to these words, Hao Yan's mother suddenly turned very pale. The whole person felt shaky?

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