The eldest sister of the stall owner shook her body and said cautiously, "Comrade police, did this... Did the little girl commit anything? She shouldn't be a fugitive from a felony." otherwise, how could so many police cars be dispatched.

The police didn't answer the stall owner's elder sister.

The eldest sister couldn't help but said to Qin Sitong, "little girl, if you really did something, it has nothing to do with us. I just wanted to help you draw a route map to the bus, but I didn't want to help you escape. When you enter the police station, you have to make it clear to the police comrades!"

Qin Sitong couldn't laugh or cry when she heard the speech, but she didn't know why the police came to her.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" Qin Sitong asked the policeman nearest to her.

"Miss Qin will know in a moment," replied the policeman.

After a while, Qin Sitong saw a car coming, and a tall figure came out of the car.

Jun Jisheng?! He just appeared in front of her.

The captain of the police came to Jun Jisheng and quickly explained the situation. Jun Jisheng came to Qin Sitong and glanced coldly at the half eaten pancake in her hand, "you're quite leisurely this big night."

She covered the pancakes behind her, "how did you come here and these policemen... Did you call the police to find me?"

He pursed his lips. Did he tell her that she suddenly hung up his phone, but when he called her again, he couldn't get through anyway, so that in a hurry, he directly asked someone to find out her whereabouts, and then left the meeting directly. It was the first time he was worried about a woman. The Dark Phoenix eyes stared at the face in front of him because she was his life? Because she controls his life and death, does he worry about her safety?

Or because

Qin Sitong feels flustered under the unpredictable gaze of Jun Jisheng. He... Doesn't he intend to stare with her here all the time.

But the next moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand, clasped her jaw, looked at her face, and then his eyes fell on her chest along her neck.

"What's the matter with your clothes?" he asked.

"I accidentally spilled my drink during delivery today." she said, "well... Can you loosen your hand?" it's embarrassing to be pinched like this in full view of the public.

He glanced at her coldly, "don't you like me touching you?"

A sense of crisis came into being and she closed her mouth in a timely manner. He loosened her jaw, but directly pulled her into a car and said to the driver, "go back to the residence."

"Wait, I have to go back to school. Can you take me to the bus station in front?" Qin Si Tong hurried.

"Return to the residence." Jun Jisheng said faintly, obviously not as much as Qin Sitong.

The driver naturally followed Jun Jisheng's instructions. Qin Sitong was stupid. How could she go back to school!

But Jun Jisheng has made a look of closing his eyes and being lazy to pay attention to her.

Qin Sitong sat down discouraged and simply chewed up the remaining half of the pancake in his hand.

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