"Just said some jokes, and --" she suddenly paused.

"What else?" he looked up at her.

"He said that if I really like you, I must like it to my bones. Only ordinary love is not enough for you." she said that Yu Guheng would suddenly say this to her, which actually surprised her.

His eyelashes trembled a little, "he's right. It's just an ordinary love, which can't satisfy me at all. Si Tong, if you like me, can this love be engraved on the bone and engraved on the heart?"

"I..." she hesitated. She knew she liked him very much, but would this love be so deep and strong? She doesn't know.

His eyes were slightly dark, "I know that now I don't fall in love with you and unilaterally ask for your feelings. It seems unfair to you, but for me, my demand for your feelings will become stronger and stronger in the future. Maybe it will be so strong that one day, I can't control myself."

On such a day, if she doesn't love him enough, what will he be like? Will he be unwilling and dissatisfied to imprison her in a place where he alone exists until only she is left in the center of her eyes? Or become as crazy as your father?

Qin Sitong thought for a moment and replied seriously, "I don't know how much I need to like in order to be unforgettable, but I know that I like you more and more. Jisheng, I'm not a person who easily likes others, but once I like it, I will take our feelings seriously. I like you both when I was only 6 years old and now. Today, when I watch When you hold the prisoner's dagger with your fingers, I feel like I want to stop breathing. There is only one thought in my mind, that is, you can't have an accident! How much do I like you? "

Jun Jisheng smelled the speech. The original expression that seemed to be frozen seemed to be gradually opening. The corners of his lips slowly raised a very shallow arc. He didn't look carefully or even couldn't see it at all. "Then he liked me more and integrated this love into his bones and blood, and didn't forget it until life and death."

With the falling of his voice, his lips kissed her lips and put her in his arms. It turned out that she was so eager for her love.

What is it like to be loved by someone you care about?

When he was a child, maybe as long as his mother inadvertently said more words to him and looked at him more, he would be very happy about it. He hoped that one day, his mother could like him. So he made himself obedient. No matter how his mother beat and scolded him, he would bear it obediently.

But as he grew older, his mother looked at him with more and more complex hatred. "Why do your eyes look like him?"

Whenever his mother said this, he could only close his eyes tightly and prevent his mother from looking at his eyes. Later, he knew that the "he" in his mother's mouth meant his father.

When his mother died, he was taken to Luocheng by his father. He thought that his mother didn't like him until she died, even though he was his mother's only child.

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