When han zi came back to Han's house, he was blind!

"Do you think it's boring to listen to me?" she suddenly stopped.

"No," he smiled. "I think it's interesting to hear you say this."


The next day, when Qin Sitong was in the crew, Yao Yiyuan came to apologize and said, "Sitong, I'm really sorry to let you be my double to distract reporters and fans, but almost put you in danger. Brother Fu, they were really careless. Fortunately, Zixi came here yesterday. Otherwise, I won't be at ease all my life. By the way, don't worry about your forehead."

"Never mind." Qin Si Tong smiled.

"That's good." Yao Yiyuan breathed a sigh of relief. "Yesterday I specially went to Hanyuan to ask zixie how your situation is. It is estimated that zixie was worried about my situation yesterday, so I came to the shooting scene."

Her words, both inside and outside, showed the intimacy of her relationship with Han zixie. Qin Sitong felt a strange feeling in his heart. In front of her, Yiyuan obviously looked very concerned about her, but if she really cared about her situation, Yiyuan could call her, and there was no need to ask Han zixie.

Or, in fact... She doesn't care as much as she seems to care?

Qin Si Tong couldn't help thinking of some things before. Is she thinking too much? Or did Yi Yuan treat her like she did?

"In fact, yesterday I didn't expect that the matter between me and zixie would be suddenly fired by the media." Yao Yiyuan seemed to be explaining, "although some people in the circle know the relationship between me and zixie, generally speaking, no one will break his mouth and say this to the media. Si Tong, you don't blame me for not telling you that the person I like is zixie."

"No." Qin Sitong said. Originally, stars would keep love confidential, not to mention whether to say it or not, it was all personal freedom and rights.

"I've been in love with zixie since I was 16 years old. Over the years, this love is getting deeper and deeper. Sitong, you know? Zixie is everything to me, and everything I'm trying to do today is for zixie." Yao Yiyuan smiled on her lips and imitated the Buddha to spit out her heart to her best friend, but there was no smile in her half restrained eyes, It's cold.

Therefore, she will never give Han zixie to anyone, and she won't let Qin Sitong take her every penny!

When Yao Yiyuan mended her makeup, song Waner came forward and said, "Yiyuan, what do you have to talk to that Qin Sitong? She just sees that you are a hot star now, so she specially flatters you. In fact, it's better to have less contact with such people."

Yao Yiyuan smiled, "Yesterday, I let Si Tong be my stand in and distracted the reporter. As a result, Si Tong was hurt. I have to apologize. Besides, no one can tell exactly what happened in the entertainment industry. Although she is just a small screenwriter now, the director and Jane Han told me that she seems to be good at acting. Maybe she will enter the entertainment industry in the future. I'm not sure she will achieve better than us all in the future OK. "

After hearing these words, song Waner was even more angry. In particular, the director and hero Jian Han praised Qin Sitong's "acting" and was basically beating her song Waner's face. If she hadn't been angry and said to let Qin Sitong play, how could there be that public "acting"!

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