Duan Manyu only felt that the cup in his hand was heavy. Somehow, his nose felt sour.

After drinking brown sugar water, Zhou Liye sent Duan Manyu back. On the way back, she leaned on the co driver's seat, looked at him driving the car, and was unconscious.

If he had never asked Li Zilin to chase her, they might be preparing for the wedding now.

Did she break up too arbitrarily? Li Zilin said that he left the field because he was afraid, so he kept it from him.

Well, she didn't choose to break up because she was afraid, because she was not confident that he loved her and could always love her. She was afraid that he wasn't so serious about love.

She thought she could put it down. She thought she could take back her feelings for him.

But... Can she really do it? Actually... I can't do it at all. Her fear is not an inferiority complex. Because from the beginning, she knew that they were people of two worlds. Compared with his brilliance, she seemed so ordinary.

He was the first man who bought tampons for her when she came to her great aunt. Obviously, he could ask others to buy it, but he went there himself. Even if he was embarrassed, he listened to the clerk's suggestion and burned brown sugar water for her.

This is his tenderness and consideration. Is she really willing to such a man? Willing to let him go out of her world, willing to become strangers from then on?

Mingming... She still loves him in her heart!

Yes, I still love him. Even though she keeps denying it, it's just trying to cover it up.

"Here we are." his voice suddenly sounded in the carriage.

Duan Manyu suddenly revived and found that the car had driven to the door of her community. She looked down, unfastened her seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car. Just at the moment of closing the door, she couldn't help asking, "why didn't you take the initiative to tell me that you asked Li Zilin to pretend to pursue me?"

He was slightly stunned for a while, then the corner of his lips lifted a radian, sneered and said, "is that different? Whether I tell you or you know it, we will break up, won't we?"

Will it? She asked herself if she would forgive him if he told her first?

"Then... Between us, still..."

"When these three months are over, we will be clear." he interrupted her. "Duan Manyu, you can't even stand these three months."

Three months... Is there only three months between her and him? There were bursts of bitterness in her throat. What did she want to ask him just now? I want to ask him, is it still possible between them?

When his car drove away, she stood still.

So, is it impossible between him and her? She chose to break up first. Now that she made the choice, it's time to bear the result now.

Even now she has figured it out and regretted it, he will no longer accept her.


For several days, Zhou Liye didn't come to her again, as if their three-month agreement didn't exist. Duan Manyu doesn't know whether he should be relieved or feel lost. These days, somehow, she often thinks what would happen if she didn't break up.

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