"Wait." Duan Manyu said, "I still want to ask for an autograph. If there is a group photo, it will be better."

"Signature? Group photo?" he was stunned.

"Yes!" she said naturally. That's the point! "Fan Xulun knows me. I met him before. He should still remember me. Even if he doesn't remember, I reported the names of Li Li and Han Lin, he should also sign something for me." Duan Manyu still imagined it very beautiful.

Fan Xulun can't help but sell the face of Han Lin and Li Li. She's taking a nepotism.

Zhou Liye's complexion is black. This woman really chases the stars thoroughly!

The crowd gradually walked towards the exit of the venue. Of course, some people ran to the backstage. Most of them thought about whether they could take a chance to see fan Xulun.

Duan Manyu pulled Zhou Liye and squeezed hard in the crowd. It was like sucking. Zhou Liye really wanted to tell her that if she really wanted each other's signature and group photo, he could let fan Xulun have a separate meeting with her. After all, this kind of thing is not difficult for him.

"You also help me squeeze together, otherwise it's hard to see fan Xulun!" Duan Manyu said to Zhou Liye, as if he were a big helper.

He sighed and pulled her directly to the open space.

"Hey, don't pull me," she roared.

"I'll let you see fan Xulun." he said. In his voice, he was helpless.

It seems that since falling in love with her, his chances of helplessness are increasing.

"Yes." he said, then took out his cell phone and dialed a phone number. "Help me contact the staff of fan Xulun who is holding a concert in D city. I want to see fan Xulun backstage tonight." he said in horror, and then ended the call.

Duan Manyu blinked and looked at her husband.

So... Uh, you can see fan Xulun?

Is it too simple.

Before long, Zhou Liye's cell phone rang. He picked it up and said, "it's me... Yes, we're now on the east side of the concert... OK, come here."

A phone call is over again.

Duan Manyu continues to blink. Come here? Who's coming?

To her puzzled eyes, he said, "it's the staff of the concert. They'll come and take us directly backstage."

"Do you know the concert staff?" she said in surprise.

"No," he said, "but it's not difficult to get in touch."

"..." she thought about it. Well, with his background and contacts, it's really not difficult to contact the staff of a concert.

After a while, a man in work uniform came over. When he saw Zhou Liye and Duan Manyu, he said respectfully, "it's Mr. and Mrs. Zhou. I'm Xiao Ge. I'm the staff of the concert. Please follow me."

"OK." Zhou Liye nodded, holding Duan Manyu's hand, followed the staff behind and walked towards the backstage.

With the staff, the security guard on the backstage side will not stop.

Duan Manyu came backstage in surprise until she saw fan Xulun. She didn't slow down! It was not until a familiar cry that she woke up.

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