Standing in front of her, the bathroom light fell on him, making her feel unreal.

She was so stunned that she forgot to react for a moment.

He slowly squatted down, took the paper towel in his hand and wiped the tears on her face, "don't cry... Don't cry..." her tears made him heartache to the extreme. He clearly wanted to protect her all her life and want her to be safe, but it was in exchange for her tears.

Just now, when she got up from bed, he felt it. He just didn't expect that she would cry alone in the bathroom.

But she cried more fiercely, and her tears kept falling from point to line.

He just felt that the hand that wiped her tears was stiff. Every little move was so difficult. Suddenly, a hand with a paper towel appeared in front of her. In a trance, she looked up and saw Zhou Liye. I didn't know when it was difficult. The heart, as if pressed by something, pressed him almost out of breath.

"Man Yu, don't cry..." he hugged her and put her in his arms. "If... If you really want this child, then the following B-ultrasound shall prevail. If the child continues to go to the right corner, then reduce the tire. If he (she) grows slowly in the middle, then we will continue to observe, OK?" This is his last concession.

She was surprised, as if surprised at his decision, "are you really willing to observe again?"

"Only until the next B-ultrasound." he wrote a proviso, which was his concession and his bottom line.

"Good, good!" she said repeatedly, "the baby will grow in the middle." she is very confident about this. After all, according to proportion, cornual pregnancy is only a few, and most embryos will grow in the middle.

He didn't speak, but he was a little relieved to see that her tears finally stopped.

He didn't want to see her sad, so he gave up this step, but it was only this step. Once the next B-ultrasound was bad, he would ask the doctor to reduce her fetus immediately anyway.

At that time, even if she shed more tears, he would not waver.


In the following days, Duan Manyu also went to the doctor, looked for posts about this in some well-known pregnant women's forums, and even added several groups of pregnant women in the corner of the palace. According to the general suggestion, he slept on his left side. I just hope to correct the position of the embryo in the stomach back to the middle.

Naturally, if the sleeping position is always facing only one position, over time, it is inevitable to be stiff and sore, but even so, she still insists. For her, no matter how hard it is, she is willing.

Often she would caress her stomach and say all kinds of encouraging words to the baby in her stomach, such as "come on, swim back to the middle quickly." "baby, look, your brothers and sisters stay well in the middle, and you should learn from them!" or, "Mommy promised you that as long as you are obedient and swim back to the middle, Mommy will often play games with you in the future!"

However, as time went by, her morning sickness became more and more serious. Even if she soaked her feet every night, it was only better at night, and she still vomited during the day.

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