Finally, the eyes that had been closed were hard to open little by little. It could only be said that it opened a crack, but it made everyone jump up and wake up. She really woke up!

Duan Manyu only felt as if she had a long, long dream. When she wanted to continue the dream, she was disturbed by a kind of pain, which seemed to stimulate her consciousness a little bit.

She... What's the matter? By the way, she remembered that she was in the car with Liye. Liye was injured and had to be rushed to the hospital for rescue, and she... She seemed to become more and more sleepy in the car

No, you can't sleep, leave the field... She has to accompany leave the field and wait for leave the field operation! If she sleeps, then leave the field

In her ears, there seemed to be a lot of noise, as if there were a lot of voices, and she seemed to be in the dark. She tried to get out of that darkness.

She wants to find Liye. She wants to know how Liye is!

With almost all his strength, Duan Manyu finally opened his eyes a little bit. The dazzling light came into her eyes, which made her instinctively narrow her eyes for a moment, and let her eyes slowly adapt to the light.

Then her ears gradually heard all kinds of voices, including father, mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as Li Li and Han Lin.

But what about leaving the field? There's no sound of leaving the field. How's leaving the field?!

And... What are they talking about? Say she's been in a coma for too long? Said she had two children? Said she would stop sleeping like this

What do these words mean? How long has she... Slept?

Her eyes opened little by little again. The feeling of pain in her body seemed to become stronger and stronger. Only in addition to the pain, she felt a touch of temperature, a touch of familiar temperature, coming from her right hand.

There is a person holding her hand, that touch, that temperature... That is Liye! It's Li Yezai holding her hand!

What followed was a familiar face, printed into her eyes little by little. Duan Manyu looked at the person in front of him in a daze. His hair, which should have been neatly combed, looked messy at the moment. His face was originally clean. At present, his beard was dregs, his beautiful face was haggard, but his dark and deep eyes looked at her eyes, but it was the same as before.

Liye... He's right in front of her. He's still there!

"Do you... Want to... Be tight?" Duan Manyu moved her lips a little difficultly, because she hadn't spoken for several months. At the moment, her voice is hoarse and like being run over by sand. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear what she's talking about.

Others haven't reacted yet, but Zhou Liye suddenly understood what she meant, "it's all right, I'm all right. The doctor said my injury is no big problem. Now it's almost recovered."

"That... That's good..." she murmured, but saw two lines of clear tears falling from his eyes.

"You... Why are you crying?" I wanted to raise my hand and wipe his tears, but I found that my arm was too heavy to lift at all.

"No, I'm so happy... So happy..." Zhou Liye choked.

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