There are more black lines on his forehead. "I'd rather they never know." if the picture will be seen by the twins when they grow up, where will his face go!

"Leave the field." she turned, raised her hands and put her arms around his neck. "You know, you are a better father than I thought. I thought you might not tolerate children playing with you like that, but you did a great job. It's good for children to have a father like you."

He never thought that he could do this. Once, he would think that there were only two more children, but in getting along day by day, his feelings for the children seemed to be getting deeper and deeper. The two children always seemed to touch the soft part of his heart, making him want to take good care of and cherish them!

Is this the connection of blood? Or, because they are his and Manyu's children? It was the child she fought her life to save, so he cherished it like that.

Even if they were reluctant to meet some requirements of the two children at the beginning, they would always agree helplessly in the end.

"So what if I want to compare with your imaginary husband?" he asked, staring at her with burning eyes.

"Great 1" she smiled sweetly, "I think marrying you is the most correct thing I have done."


When the twins were five years old, they were fascinated by a new game - millionaire. So every night, after dinner, the Zhou family of four gathered together to play.

Of course, in winning or losing, Duan Manyu will write a pile of punishment notes. In addition to the winners, the other three losers will draw small notes. What is written on the note, they will do.

For example, sweeping the floor, folding clothes, telling stories and so on are all things that twins can accomplish at this age.

The winner can make a wish. Usually, the wishes of twins at this stage are nothing more than the snacks they want to eat, the toys they want to buy, and where they want to play.

Twins love this game very much. Even if they lose, they will honestly draw a punishment note, and then complete the task on the note.

Of course, in this game, twins lose most of the time and rarely win. After all, compared with adults, children certainly can't compare with adults in playing games. However, occasionally, Zhou Liye and Duan Manyu will release water to let the twins win.

This time, when the twin sister won, the little guy said, "I want daddy to participate in the Little Swan Dance in the kindergarten."

Zhou Liye was stunned, "Little Swan Dance?"

"Yes, many students have signed up for their daddy, and we have signed up for daddy, but the teacher said that this can only be with daddy's consent, and the teacher has to choose, and only eight people can dance in the end!" Zhou Yien added.

"But... Er, shouldn't girls dance the swan dance? It should be your mommy." Zhou Liye said. He knew that recently, because it was almost 61, the kindergarten where the twins lived also organized some activities, including talent shows that encouraged some parents to participate. For example, last year, some mummies danced and sang on the stage.

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