In the cold ancestral hall, the man looked around at the row of memorial tablets in front of him. His face was silent. Suddenly, his body trembled. A familiar pain spread from his body. It was fast, like a tidal wave. Along with the flow of blood, the pain was constantly strengthening, like thousands of needles, ruthlessly penetrating into his body.

Pain... Very painful... The man's teeth were clenched tightly, and his handsome face began to twist because of the pain. One of his hands fell on his side, and the other hand pressed tightly on his heart. His heart seemed to be torn.

However, this is just an omen of pain, just a notice before the monthly blood curse pain of your family comes.

Compared with the pain of the full moon night, this pain is actually too light.

The man fought the pain in his body without saying a word, and the big beads of sweat kept sliding from his forehead. He can resist the pain of this omen, but what about the pain on a full moon night? How many more times can he resist?

The hand hanging on his side was holding a fist, and something in his heart stabbed his palm and made him awake in the pain.

No, he can't just end his life. No matter how many times he has to endure the pain of the blood curse, he must endure it, just because... If he wants to find that person, he has to ask her why he gave him hope but gave him despair like falling into hell?

After a while, the pain in his body gradually subsided. The premonitory pain is often short, a few minutes, or more than a dozen minutes. It doesn't hurt all night like the night of the full moon.

Suddenly, the man turned his head and looked in the direction of the front door of the ancestral temple. He saw a familiar figure and didn't know when he stood there.

That's... His aunt Jun Leyan, who inherited the blood curse of the jun family from the previous generation.

However, my aunt was lucky to find her life, and she was really with life. Perhaps the greatest luck for your family is this

"Aunt," the man said, only because he had just experienced pain, so his voice was a little hoarse at the moment.

"Pain again?" Jun Leyan stepped forward and looked at his nephew painfully. As the same person who inherited the blood curse of Jun's family, she is naturally the one who knows the pain best.

In every generation of your family, there will always be someone who inherits this pain. He can't avoid and escape. Only by finding his own life can he avoid the pain. Otherwise, even if you are so amazing and powerful, you can't avoid ending your life before the age of 45.

There have been many such examples in the jun family since the past dynasties.

"Well." Jun Jingshu said faintly, and his eyes fell on the rows of tablets, "aunt, do you think I can't put the tablets of life around me when I die?"

In your family, only when you find the memorial tablet of Mingyi, who is with Mingyi, will you join them in the ancestral hall of your family. What about him? What about him? He didn't even know his name.

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