Until she crossed the road, she suddenly realized that she had just taken the initiative to pull him, so she immediately released her hand and smiled awkwardly at him, "I was afraid of missing the traffic lights just now, so..."

"Let's go," he said faintly. She repressed her inner tumbling with cold. Just now, when she pulled him across the road, he seemed to go back to three years ago. At that time, she liked shopping and watching some novel things. She said that she should have seen more when she went out to travel and relax. And every time she crossed the zebra crossing, she liked to take his arm and walk like this.

The sweeter those memories are, the more cruel they become.

Zhou Yici took a long breath behind Jun Jingshu. He thought how cute he was at the beginning. Although he was a few years older than her, he was full of a sense of youth. He often had a gentle and bright smile on his face. He always looked uncertain like this. It seemed that if he was not careful, he would annoy him.

But fortunately, he agreed to take a break and have a meal, otherwise she was really afraid she would hang up.

The two came to the western restaurant in Zhou Yici's mouth. The whole western restaurant was not only petty bourgeois, but also dark. It was more suitable for couples to eat.

Especially in the conspicuous place of the restaurant, many photos of dining couples were posted. When seeing these, Zhou Yici secretly scolded himself for being stupid and how to choose this store. At first, she and Yi came here to eat and saw these photos of lovers. At that time, she joked with one by one about when to have dinner with a handsome man instead of a woman.

Well, now she does come with a handsome man, but she has an impulse to bury herself.

"Or... Let's change." she licked her dry lips.

"That's not necessary," he said.

Well, since he doesn't think it's necessary, it's not necessary. After sitting down with Jun Jingshu, Zhou Yici ordered himself a steak set meal and asked Jun Jingshu, "what would you like to eat?"

"Just like you," he said.

After saying this, both of them were stunned. At first, in those days when they were together, if it was a separate package, no matter what package she ordered, he would choose the same package as her.

She once asked him why, "are you afraid of trouble?"

"No, I just want to taste every flavor you've eaten, as if it could be closer to you," he replied.

"We are very close now!" she smiled at that time.

"It's not enough, it's not enough. I want to get closer to you and let us have no distance." he looked at her and said.

At that moment, she almost completely fell into his Phoenix eyes, and the whole person was in a trance. Even if the person she liked was Han Jian, she was still shocked by his words.

However, the distance between her and him is far, far away, even if they sit around a table now.

After ordering the set meal, Zhou Yici only felt the pressure around her. She felt a little depressed. Since seeing him again, she always felt out of breath when she was with him. She took out her mobile phone and brushed the information on the web page.

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