"But..." Yao Yiyuan wanted to say something more, but Han zixie said, "Yiyuan, don't make it difficult for me."

Yao Yiyuan bit her teeth, finally managed to squeeze out a smile and said, "OK, I won't disturb you tonight."

Han zixie walked out of the hotel. The cold wind outside made him more sober.

He knew that he was out of control tonight. He was out of control through that kind of drunkenness and allowed his impulse to control himself. However, inexplicably, he did not regret losing control this time.

The soft touch of her skin seemed to remain on his lips, which made him feel nostalgic.

Qin Sitong, this woman makes him at a loss and makes him don't know what to do.

The driver has been waiting outside. Han zixie said to the driver, "let's go back to Han Garden."

"Yes." the driver respectfully opened the door and let Han zixie get on the car.

Not long after getting on the bus, a mobile phone ring rang on Han zixie's body. Han zi was stunned. Qin Sitong's cell phone was ringing. On the caller ID, the word "Jun" is prominently displayed.

"Jun" -- it can only represent Jun Jisheng!

Han zixie pressed the answer button. Sure enough, Jun Jisheng's voice came from inside, "Si Tong, is the green killing banquet not over yet?"

Han zi's eyes flashed, and suddenly a sneer spilled from the corner of his lips, "I'm really sorry, I'm not Qin Sitong."

At the other end of the mobile phone, there was a silence. After a long time, Jun Jisheng's voice came, "Han zixie, why is Sitong's mobile phone with you? Is she human?"

"She accidentally left her cell phone with me. As for her, you can ask her yourself." Han zixie said.

"That's good, but I'll take back Si Tong's mobile phone." Jun Jisheng said.

Han zixie gently closed his eyes, "if you want to get your cell phone back, come to Han Yuan to get it." then he pressed the end call button and looked at the cell phone in his hand.

There is no password on her mobile phone interface, so he can easily see everything in her mobile phone. He was not a man who liked to see other people's privacy. But now, looking at her mobile phone, he seemed to press the photo icon in her mobile phone.

Then the photos in her mobile phone were printed into his eyes one by one, including some of her self photos, some of the scenery she took, some screenshots she found interesting, and... Photos of Jun Jisheng.

Some of the photos of Jun Jisheng seem to have been stolen, some are looking straight at the camera, some are wearing suits, some are wearing casual clothes, and even some photos are holding some toys. They look very different from Jun Jisheng in peacetime.

Or... This is just the side that Jun Jisheng shows in front of Qin Sitong?!

What about Qin Sitong? Will he also show a side that others can't see in front of Jun Jisheng? The idea suddenly pricked his nerves.

Han zixie gasped and continued to look at the photos. He saw the group photos of Qin Sitong and Jun Jisheng. With the photos turning down one by one, his nerves seemed to become more and more painful.

But even so, he was still looking... It was like a vicious cycle. He knew it was just deepening the pain, but it was still circulating.


Qin Sitong sat in the taxi and listened to an urgent message of looking for someone being broadcast on the radio in the taxi: a z-nationality woman aged 22, 162cm tall and 47kg in weight, and there were some basic facial descriptions in the radio. Qin Sitong couldn't help but be stunned. It sounded very consistent with his appearance.

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