She nodded slightly and said, "are you going to stay together tonight?" they have lived together for several months. She found that one day every month, he would ask her to stay with her as soon as she went into the night. Sometimes he would hold her hand and watch TV, or read books, and sometimes hold her to sleep, Even bathing should be together. In short, it can't be separated for a moment.

At first she didn't adapt, but he insisted. For a long time, it has become a habit in recent months.

"Yes," he answered.

"But Jisheng, why do you have to do this one night every month?" Qin Sixi wondered.

Jun Jisheng's eyes drooped gently, and his voice sounded ethereal, "you should take it as a ceremony."

"Ceremony?" she was stunned.

"It's a ceremony belonging to your family. You'll understand it in the future." now, it's not the time. It's not the time to tell her the biggest secret of your family.

Unless one day, he can really be sure that she can't leave him all her life, he will say, tell her his biggest secret and let her control his life and death.

But now, not yet

Qin Sitong didn't insist on getting to the bottom of the matter anymore. She smiled and said, "well, I'll know later." no matter what the reason is, she is willing to wait for the day he is willing to tell herself.

If this so-called ceremony is a test, she will be willing to accept it.

When Qin Sitong arrived at the company, Tang Qin grabbed her and said, "didn't anything happen to you last night? Mr. Jun always called me. I was shocked. But didn't you take a taxi back? It shouldn't be an accident on the road."

Qin Si Tong was sweating and quickly explained, "no, no, not what you think. I just accidentally dropped my mobile phone yesterday, and then Jisheng didn't find me for a while, so I was a little worried."

"That's good." Tang Qin said, "but you always really care about you. When you called me yesterday, I could hear the anxiety in his tone. I envy you that you have such a boyfriend. I don't know when I can find a boyfriend who loves me so much?"

"Yes, you will also find a good boyfriend." Qin Sitong smiled. "By the way, when did your party end yesterday?"

"After you left for a while, President Han also left, and then Yao Yiyuan followed closely. All the important people left, and the party naturally ended and everyone ended." Tang Qin said.

Qin Sitong was a little uncomfortable when he heard that Han zixie left immediately. After chatting with Tang Qin, he returned to his seat.

Maybe that's the end of what happened between her and Han zixie. Childhood memories, after all, just memories, so buried in the bottom of my heart. Later, Han zixie was just Han zixie and Zhang Ming, but she was just a person in her memory.

Qin Sitong said to herself silently in the bottom of her heart that if it is a kind of ceremony for the king's family to be together with Jisheng at night and not to be separated for a moment, then at the moment, another kind of ceremony is being carried out in the bottom of her heart, a ceremony different from that in her memory.

After a while, Qin Sitong turned on the computer on his desk and began to enter the working state.

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