"Also, the refrigerator... Is very cold. Hey, you... Get out of the way," she said.

When he heard the speech, he turned sideways. At last, she could turn off the refrigerator, but the next moment, the kitchen light suddenly lit up. Then, she was picked up by him and walked towards the restaurant.

"Hey, what are you doing?" she said. She was a little used to being held by him. Today, she didn't know how many times she had been held by him.

Hold, hold, and get used to it.

"You sit here and have something to eat. I'll have someone make it for you," he said.

"No, it's not good to call people again in such a big night," she said. "I can just find something convenient to cook in the fridge."

She said, trying to get up again. His hand pressed on her shoulder and said, "wait for me for a while. I'll make macaroni?"

"Ah... Eat." she nodded, then he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Zhou Yici widened his eyes, didn't he... Did Jun Jingshu plan to make a snack for her?

When a plate of hot macaroni was placed in front of her, it confirmed her previous speculation.

"Eat," he said.

She rolled some macaroni with her fork and looked at him again. "Won't you eat it?"

He said, "I'll have some, too." then he leaned down and put his lips close to the fork she raised.

She was stunned for a moment. She only saw his face getting closer and closer. Because of the half drooping eyes, the thick black eyelashes were more obvious. When they trembled slightly, they were like a fan.

The thin lips opened gently, the white teeth bit the fragrant noodles, the curve of the neck was beautiful, and moved slightly with the action of chewing and swallowing

It's just... It's like watching an advertising film at a close distance. At this moment, Zhou Yici's mind almost becomes blank.

"The taste is OK, you eat." his voice sounded in her ear.

"Oh." she replied blankly, eating the rest of the macaroni. She didn't react until she took a few bites. Just now... She and she ate the rest of the macaroni he bit. She ate the same bite of food as him!


Her face turned red again, but... He didn't seem to take it seriously. If she took it too seriously, it would be embarrassing. So she buried her face in the plate and continued to eat the rest of the macaroni, hoping that he didn't see her blush.

After eating the noodles, she said, "I'll clean it up."

But he said, "no, the servant will clean up." then he picked her up and walked towards her room.

"Jun Jingshu, actually... You don't have to hold me like this. I can move slowly with one foot." she said.

"I'm not tired. Why, you dislike it?" he said.

"I... I don't have to go to the crew. You still hold me around like this. Do you still follow me to the crew?" she said.

"Why not follow you to the crew." he smiled faintly, as if it was nothing at all.

No! If he followed her to the crew, it would only be more eye-catching.

Zhou Yici hurriedly said, "no, you are busy. You don't have to follow me to the crew."

"Not busy." with a smile, he had come to her door, opened the door and entered the room. The room was dark without lights, but he seemed to have no obstacles and came to the bedside without stopping all the way.

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