Who would have thought that the communication between Jun Jingshu and Yici was known by the crew in this way.

Han 11 was a little sympathetic to Jiang Liu. It can be imagined what a blow it would be to Jiang Liu. Later, Jiang Liu asked for leave for two days until he returned to the crew on the third day.

Zhou Yici also rubbed his forehead. After the identity of Jun Jingshu was known by the crew, many people in the crew seemed to offer her as a fairy. Even though they were cynical and jealous, they didn't dare to put it on the surface.

However, this only made her feel more uncomfortable. At the beginning, she learned to hide the identity of the Zhou family one by one, just because she didn't want to receive these special treatment.

"If you want to be treated like me, you can tell others immediately that Han Jian is your brother. I think many people in the crew are guessing what your relationship is!" Zhou Yici said.

"Farewell." Han Yiyi quickly shook his shoulder. "Sister is going to rely on strength."

"Brother pinge is also a kind of strength." Zhou Yici said.

Han Yiyi threw a white eye at his friend.

"Yici, are your feet better? I just changed a chair for you. It will be more comfortable to sit there. If there is anything else uncomfortable, you have to tell me!" the logistics of the crew came to find Zhou Yici and warmed up.

"OK, thank you." Zhou Yici replied with a formulaic smile.

Han Yi gave Zhou Yici a look of "coming again".

Such things have happened many times in the past few days. After the logistics left, Han Yi said, "I estimate that in a few days, the director should come to you and ask you if junjingshu has any idea of investing in film and television."

"Don't wait for a few days. The director asked several times yesterday." Zhou Yici said.

"How did you answer?"

"How else can you answer? Let Jun Jingshu ask himself when he comes to the crew next time. I won't participate anyway." Zhou Yici replied.

Han Yiyi sympathized with the director a little in his heart, and then said, "by the way, your feet are all right. Why hasn't he come back? Have you asked him when he will come back?"

"It's none of my business if he doesn't come back. There's nothing to ask." Zhou Yici said.

"You really don't want him?" Han Yi said with a gossip expression.

In Zhou Yici's mind, Jun Jingshu suddenly appeared. Before leaving, he once stood against her forehead and said, "then think more, so I'll be very happy."

If he knew that she would always think of him these days, would he be happier?

When the crew finished work, junjingshu's driver came to pick up Zhou Yici. Zhou Yici returned to the villa and was served by servants. Basically, as soon as she returned to the villa, she lived a pig's life.

She thought that her legs had recovered almost, and there was no need to be served. She thought it would be more comfortable to go back to her apartment, so she began to pack up her luggage in the evening and planned to let the driver drive her back to her apartment early tomorrow morning.

Put her luggage on the bed. Zhou Yici sorted out all her personal belongings these days and put them in. Then she took her changed clothes and went into the bathroom.

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