This Kang Lu, what's on your mind!

However, the speed of Kang Lu's arrival exceeded Zhou Yici's imagination. It took only 15 minutes to run to the villa, panting up the stairs and running to Zhou Yici.

"Jingshu... Haven't you come out yet?" Kang Lu gasped.

"Well, not yet." Zhou Yici said. Looking at Kang Lu's anxious face, she felt that no matter whether the other party's brain had any problems, at least junjingshu didn't make this friend in vain.

"He should be inseparable from you tonight. Why is he locked in the room alone? He won't even let you in?" Kang Lu asked anxiously. He didn't ask too much because it was a phone call.

"I can't understand you." Zhou Yici said.

"You don't need to understand. Just tell me why you're not with him today?" Kang Lu asked.

"I... I work. My crew has a job." Zhou Yici said, "I was going to have dinner with him tonight, but there was a youth killing banquet over there, so I called him and said that I came back late. His voice was normal on the phone, but as soon as I came back, I found him locked in the room alone."

When Kang Lu heard this, he glared at Zhou Yici fiercely. That look... It was like he was going to beat her up.

"Why do you want to attend the green killing banquet? Why don't you come back early?" Kang Lu said. Even his voice became loud. Then, without waiting for Zhou Yici to explain, he turned around and patted the doorway of the bedroom. "Jingshu, it's me. Open the door and I'll let Zhou Yici in."

There was no response in the room.

Kang Lu's face was ugly again. "Jing Shu, if you can't answer now, or if you can't open the door, I'll kick the door open and bring Zhou Yici in."

Kang Lu said, raising his feet and kicking at the door.

At the third kick, Jun Jingshu's voice came out of the room, "don't... don't come in... Tonight, no one... Don't come in... Kang Lu, this is... Order, do you hear..."

Kang Lu's face sank even more. His eyes stared at the door. The Kang family has served the jun family for generations. Even though he and Jun Jingshu are friends, it has become a habit for him to obey the orders of the jun family.

"OK, I see." after a while, Kang Lu said.

There was no sound inside the door, but outside the door, Zhou Yici and Kang Lu looked at each other, and the atmosphere was an awkward silence.

After several minutes, Zhou Yici took the lead in breaking the silence. "Jun Jingshu... What's the matter with him? Is he sick? Is it really nothing if he doesn't take him to the hospital?" after all, if you hear from the voice, you feel that his condition is very bad at the moment.

"This is his old problem." Kang Lu said, looking at Zhou Yici's eyes, but still not good, as if she were an enemy. "You shouldn't break your appointment tonight."

"I have to..."

"You shouldn't!" Kang Lu said angrily. "Do you know what it means to Jing Shu tonight? You're going to kill him!"

Zhou Yici has an impulse to spit blood. This crime is too serious!

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