"No, it's not what you think. Yes, I'm crying with Han Jian, but it's to put down the relationship with him." she explained in a hurry. She couldn't even tell why she was so worried at the moment. She didn't want him to misunderstand and and didn't want to see the self mockery on his face.

"Is this a lie you lied to me again?" he chuckled, but the laughter was so hoarse. "Zhou Yici, do you think I will believe what you said now?"

"Yes, I lied to you. I can apologize, but can you believe what I said?" she said.

"Trust you?" his smile seemed to become more brilliant, but his eyes were still empty. "Then do you remember what you gave me in three years?"

"Ah?" she was stunned. Did she send something to him three years ago? Really?

"So you don't remember what you said when you gave me something three years ago, do you?" he added.

"..." Zhou Yici didn't know what to say.

His fingers snapped into her jaw. "Zhou Yici, you lied to me again and again. Why should I trust you again?"

Her lower jaw was aching. She frowned and felt a pain in her face. She wanted to pull down his hand, but his hand was like a steel bar. She couldn't shake it at all.

"The only person who can cheat me again and again is you. You should be glad that you are mine..." his voice paused, and the words behind disappeared in his mouth. "Otherwise, your lives are not enough, so don't appear in front of me when I don't want to see you, otherwise I'm afraid I'll really strangle you!"

He stared at her and said, the emptiness in his eyes turned into an anger. At the moment he turned around, the tie clip she had just given in his hand fell from his fingertips, "don't give such a gift."

Jun Jingshu left. Zhou Yici was the only one left in the back garden. She stood stunned and looked at the tie clip that fell on the ground. In the moonlight, the tie clip emitted a bright light, but Zhou Yici was almost drowned by the empty feeling at the moment, as if something had been lost, which made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

Jun Jingshu means not to see her again? Does that mean that her life can be on track? But why is her heart so empty? I'm too empty to grasp anything, but I don't know what to grasp.

She walked slowly to the tie clip, then slowly squatted down and picked up the tie clip.

This tie clip, unlike what he said, is just a perfunctory product, but she is really designing it carefully. She wants to design a tie clip suitable for him and see him smile when he receives the gift.

But why did this happen?

Tick! Tick!

Her tears fell on the tie clip. She suddenly found that she was crying. This is her second cry today, but it is so different from the cry facing brother Jane in front.

She cried in front of brother Jane to cry out her feelings for so many years. But now, what is she crying for?!

She tugged at the tie clip, and tears kept falling.

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