"When... Of course it's true. I don't have to lie to you, do I?" Yao Yiyuan said.

Han zixie's eyes slowly opened, but there was a cold silence in his eyes, "OK, I believe you. But Yiyuan, don't waste my trust in you, I believe you, just because you are the 'Yuanyuan' who once accompanied me through the darkness!"

Yao Yiyuan only felt a chill on her back. Qin Sitong... Is she still going to lose to Qin Sitong? Even though it seems that zixie is on her side today, in the final analysis, it is still due to Qin Sitong!

She is unwilling! She won't let this end. She wants Qin Sitong to pay the price!


Although many reporters gathered outside the police station, Qin Sicong was protected by Jun Jisheng. It didn't take much effort, so he got out of the circle of reporters and got on Jun Jisheng's car.

The car headed for Jun's residence. On the car, Qin Sitong said, "sorry, for me, you go in and out of the police station like this. I'm afraid those news will drag you down."

"So, even if this happened, you didn't call to tell me? If Kong Chengcheng didn't just call Yu Guheng and I happened to be nearby, would I have to wait until the news report came out tomorrow to know about it?" Jun Jisheng asked.

Qin Si Tong bit the lip flap, and his expression was quite uncomfortable. It was a default.

Jun Jisheng sighed and reached out to caress her red lips so that she wouldn't bite her lip again. "I'm your boyfriend. Even if I didn't go in and out of the police station today, the reporter will mention me when he really wants to write about you tomorrow. Do you really think this kind of thing can be avoided?"

Qin Sitong was dumb.

"Also, the sooner you tell me about this kind of thing, the sooner you deal with it, the better." Jun Jisheng said.

"Oh, I see." she replied. She was really stupid. "Do you think about how to deal with the reports of those reporters tomorrow?" she asked.

He smiled faintly, "no reporter will report this tomorrow."

Qin Sitong immediately had a feeling of admiration. The president was domineering, and the media solved it in a word!

"The last thing you said at the police station was true?" he asked abruptly.

"Ah? What?" she didn't react at once.

"What you said to Han zixie," he reminded, "you want you to know only Zhang Ming, which means... Would you rather not know Han zixie?"

Qin Sitong's eyes were dim. After a long time, he gently said, "time can often change a lot."

"If it's changed because of time, don't forget it." Jun Jisheng said, and his fingers continued to rub her soft lips. "Sitong, from now on, don't care about Han Zixuan. He's not the little brother in your memory. He's not worth remembering him for so many years."

He wants to completely erase Han zixie from her heart. He wants to monopolize her heart and all her feelings. If not all the feelings, it will never fill his thirst.

Qin Sitong murmured, "I... Don't regret remembering that little brother for so many years." after all, the feelings at that time were not false. The true feelings of life and death at that time were not false.

Jun Jisheng's pupil shrank suddenly, and the blood of his whole body seemed to be freezing and freezing because of her words.

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