But Zhou Yici didn't say it. He just smiled and changed the topic. "By the way, you accompany me to a place later. I want to take you to meet someone."

"Who?" Han Yi was immediately intrigued.

"You'll know when you go." Zhou Yici said mysteriously.

When Han 11 saw the person Zhou Yici brought her to the welfare home in Luocheng when he was a child, he couldn't help but be surprised. He was a very beautiful boy. He looked like a doll with white skin, delicate face and dark hair. Especially his eyes were very beautiful, Even Han Yiyi, who is used to seeing handsome men and women in the performing arts circle, couldn't help praising them.

But then she found that the little boy's eyes didn't seem to have a focal length. She couldn't help frowning. Could she say that the child was

Han Yiyi was thinking that Zhou Yici had squatted down in front of the little boy, stroked the little boy's head and gently said, "Xiaomian, I came to see you again. Listen to the teacher, you are very good these days and have learned a lot of Braille. Now you can read those Braille books by yourself. It's great."

The little boy just sat shyly and seemed at a loss for such praise.

Zhou Yici opened his arms and picked up the little boy. "Would you like to go back with me and become the baby of Uncle Jun and me?"

The little boy's eyelashes gently blinked for a while, looking a little stiff, but he still groped and hugged Zhou Yici's neck, "but... You'll have your own baby in the future. At that time, will you take me..." Bei teeth bit his lower lip, and the little boy's face became pale, like thinking of some bad memories.

Zhou Yici said softly, "no, even if Uncle Jun and I really have our own baby, for us, Xiaomian is still the baby we love and will never become."

The little boy closed his mouth tightly without gnawing.

Zhou Yici was not in a hurry. He touched the little guy's head, fed the little guy some snacks he brought, and read him some stories. Until he was sleepy, he gently coaxed each other to sleep and handed them over to the aunt of the welfare home.

Han Yi said, "are you going to adopt that child?"

"Well." Zhou Yici nodded, "the child had eye problems and couldn't see, so he was abandoned by his parents shortly after he was born. Later, when he was three years old, he was adopted, but later, the adoptive family had their own children, so he was sent back."

Han Yi said angrily, "how can there be such a person who even returns after adoption? This is too hateful. Don't they know that children will be hurt by doing that?!"

Zhou Yici said, "so now Xiaomian doesn't want to be adopted. He'd rather stay in a welfare home."

"But judging from his appearance, he should not exclude you." Han Yi said, "but are you really going to adopt a blind child? Taking care of a blind child is also a tired thing."

After all, his grandfather was once blind. Han Yi spent some time with his grandfather when he was a child and listened to his grandfather talk about many things when he was blind. Therefore, he will know more about blind people than others.

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