Across the clothes, the little guy only felt warm in his palm. Here... There were babies, mommy and daddy's babies, and he... "I'll be a good brother." he was very serious.

Zhou Yici was stunned, then smiled and hugged the little guy, "thank you, Xiaomian." this means that Xiaomian accepted the child in her belly!

The little guy leans in Zhou Yici's arms and sniffs the familiar breath. He will protect the baby in Mommy's belly and protect it with his own life!


The time of pregnancy is fleeting. I thought it would be a hard job during pregnancy, but for Zhou Yici, she has hardly suffered any crime during pregnancy. She has very little pregnancy vomiting and has never experienced any discomfort during pregnancy. Even in the late pregnancy, her stomach is getting bigger and bigger, she can eat and sleep. According to Han Yiyi, except that her stomach is a little bigger, I really don't look like a pregnant woman anywhere else.

What makes Zhou Yici most happy is that Xiaomian's eyes can finally see light again after the operation. Although his eyesight is poor and he needs to wear about 400 degree lenses, it is much better for the situation that his eyes could not see anything before.

And if later treatment is carried out, Xiaomian's vision will improve to a certain extent.

Jun Hengmian was very satisfied. After seeing the light again, he was almost crazy to absorb all kinds of knowledge. His speed even surprised Jun Jingshu. He said frankly that his son was smarter than he thought.

In October, when she was pregnant and gave birth, Zhou Yici broke her amniotic fluid in the middle of the night. Although all relevant matters had been prepared long ago, Jun Jingshu still had a feeling of panic.

I knew what to do and did it, but I was still nervous and uneasy. I was afraid there would be something in case.

Outside the delivery room, Jun Jingshu only felt stiff. For the first time, he found himself filled with helplessness. At this moment, he didn't know what to do. Jun Hengmian, standing beside him, had a pale face. The eyes behind the lens stared round. A small hand pulled Jun Jingshu's clothes, and his fingers turned white.

When Jun Jingshu's parents arrived at the hospital, they found that the freshman looked like a person waiting for trial. Although they were not related by blood, they were similar.

"Don't worry, you've made complete preparations and you'll be fine." Jun's father patted his son on the shoulder.

Jun's mother picked up Jun Hengmian and loved her grandson who was not related to her. She could see that the child really cared about Zhou Yici. When she picked up his small body, she could obviously feel his shaking.

"Don't be afraid, Mommy will come out with the baby soon." Jun's mother comforted the little guy.

"But... Mommy seems to be in pain," the little guy said. He couldn't forget his mother's painful expression on her way to the hospital.

These days, he always insisted on being with Mommy, so daddy got him a small bed and put it next to Mommy's bed. Therefore, when Mommy shouted at night, he woke up at the first time.

It was also the first time that he found that... It would be very painful for mommy to have a baby! He has never seen Mommy hurt like this!

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